
Day 572, 16:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Tis a beautiful day to put together the first Chapter of the Celtic Chronicle, but instead, it'll begin with an introduction of myself, Lord Rhindon - consider this not an article per-say, rather more of as an author's note before we begin. Aye, its that completely boring bit everyone always seems to skip in a novel or any other piece of literature, for that matter.

Nevertheless, I'm going to have a stab at it.

It was June 12th when I first stepped into Dublin, its busy terminal bursting with tourists and travelers from around the world...I was quite lost for a while. I was met by the good Brian O'Shea with a firm handshake and an invitation to lunch at a well known Irish pub across the road. Here, I would try what was considered the better brews of Guinness in all of Ireland...I've been told, after all, that the closer to the factory you are, the better the beer! When I enquired about a bottle of Shiraz, however, the bartender just stared at me blandly, expressionless, then muttered something obscure under his breath, and didn't seem to know (or want to know) what I was on about. That was, of course, a fair disappointment...more than compensated for by a very hearty meal, I might add.

Great place to eat. Especially when O'Shea shouts!

During my flight across the channel, I had done a good lot of reading on the current state of Ireland, and of its history - before which I'd also been corresponding pretty heavily with some of the local government officials. This, however, in no way prepared me for what I was about to encounter. The degree of warmth and cordiality of the men and women of this Fair Isle that was extended to me upon my arrival, me. Grainne Ni Mhaille, Starks, O'Shea, Theus, Nith, Digits, Uaithne (who funded this newspaper), and many others...met me with a level of hospitality I hadn't before witnessed from other prominent persons in the eUK, my former country of residence.

After spending the rest of the day meeting some of the interesting folk of the island, I visited Digit's office in an attempt to find a spot in the Community organization that might need filling, but as there were no vacancies there at the time, I turned to other departments and was promptly offered a position of some responsibility within the Ministry of Information. It hardly needs be said that in addition to this, another endeavor includes The Celtic Chronicle, which I think I'm going to very much enjoy being a part of, as I hope you might come to feel once it is up and running in proper order. So, what's it all about?

The aim of The Celtic Chronicle will be to stand as a reliable, intelligent (and sometimes quirky!) news source of domestic politics and international affairs, blending in an authentic aftertaste of Irish tradition, folklore and legend, as contributed by various respected members of the community. That's what it aims for, at least. If it ever comes across as downright ironic and offbeat, it was probably very much've been forewarned.

So, dear unfortunate readers, if this interests you, be sure to hit the subscribe button, and upon doing so send through the small sign-up subscribers fee of 100 gold. You honestly think we're joking? You'll be relieved to know that, yes, we are - it'll always be free of course - but because of this, please be informed that we're going to be delighted to throw our newspapers over your fence in the morning and smash your tenderly and lovingly into your respectable, polished mailbox.

Anyway, as they say, if wars were fought with words, then the Irish would be ruling the world. And I, with this dull, long-winded and completely irrelevant auto-biography - would probably be its grand Imperator. Eh, not so bad.

So time to wrap up. Stay tuned - we've got our first Chapter on the way.


~ Lord Rhindon