Intervju- Srpski Bog Rata PedjaT+eng Interview-Serbian God of war PedjaT

Day 1,495, 11:37 Published in Serbia Serbia by AlexLovesU

Pa evo konacno smo i to doziveli, PedjaT je dao intervju.
Uspela sam da nagovorim muza 😉.
PedjaT sinonim za tenka,poznat po svom buntovnickom stavu,po nepostovanjima naredjenja, velikom suprotstavljnju MPP sa Turskom koji evo opet napominjem nije postovao,po cestim prepirkama i prozivanjima sa Turcima kojima nas je cesto znao nasmejati.Nekima drag, neki ga ne mogu smisliti ni narctanog.Kako god da okrenemo njegova pomoc nam je cesto bila presudna u znacajnim bitkama, i time nas je mnogo zaduzio.Svetski, a nas-PedjaT. 😃

Ko je PedjaT? Reci nam neke osnovne stvari o tebi,godiste,cime se bavis?

PedjaT:Rodjen 1983. Inteligentan, lijep, sarmantan...skroman.
Bavim se affiliate marketingom.

Odakle si?

PedjaT:Iz Lopara (RS), a sad zivim u BL (takodje RS).

Kako si poceo da igras eRepublik?

PedjaT:2009. su na raznim forumima spamovali sa "Srbija pod hrvatskom
okupacijom". Ja se registrujem, vidim da je igra sr**e, pa
odustanem... Posle par dana opet vidim spam, pa reko' daj da pogledam' zaboravio sifru za prethodni nalog... Pa, se ponovo
registrujem. I opet sr**e, al' et'...nastavim pomalo da igram...

Sta te najvise nervira na eRepu?

PedjaT:Oni koji igru shvataju preozbiljno.

Da li si imao konflikt sa nekim od igraca?

PedjaT:Da. Sa vise idiota... Ne bih da imenujem, da ne bih nekog zaboravio.

Jesi ikada razmisljao da ugasis profil? sjecam se... Mislim da nisam.
Zasto samo ova negativna pitanja... Pitaj me sta mi se svidja.

Polako sticicemo i do toga, sta si se uzvrtio...😃 Khm,khm..gde sam ono stala...

Sta te motivise da nastavis da igras eRepublik?

PedjaT:Suprotni pol.

Ima nas koji samo na eRepublik-u imamo priliku da komuniciramo sa
djevojcicama...prepoznacete nas po medaljama na profilu i visokom

Eeee daaaa,stvar koja nas sve muci..Jesi li Jevrej? 😃

PedjaT:Zavisi ko pita.. 🙂
U stvarnom zivotu nisam Jevrej, ali imam veliko postovanje za Jevreje
i podrzavam Izrael.

Razlog zasto se nisi kandidovao za predsednika eSrbije?

PedjaT:Kad dodju izbori ludim od poruka "Brate, aj' glasaj za mene u Kuala Lumpuru."
Smara me politika u igri.

Imas li nameru?

U stvari...mozda...nisam siguran...ali ne vjerujem.

A da osnujes pravu, znaci pravu MU?

PedjaT:Ja nista bolje i ljepse od trenutne ne mogu da smislim.
A, ova vec pravi vise stete u bitkama nego neke "prave", tako da... 🙂

Ovde si veoma ozloglasen sto se tice skidanja medalja,pravis li izuzetke?

PedjaT:Ponekad, u zavisnosti od raspolozenja. U poslednje vrijeme sam nesto
post'o emotivan, pa lakse popustam. 🙁

Za tebe kazu da si povucen igrac iz senke,malo se zna o tebi, smatras
li sebe takvim?

PedjaT:Povucen? Iz sjenke? :/
Pa, ne bas... Sto?

Pa kazu da se malo zna o tebi, ne exponiras se, ne dajes intervjue...
A da, stvarno, zasto nisi davao intervjue?

PedjaT:Cuj ne eksponiram se. 😃
A, intervjue stvarno nisam davao jer...cekao sam onu pravu.

Ljubav prema Turcima? 😃

PedjaT:Protiv Turaka ratujem negdje od maja 2010.
Zar nisam bio u pravu?

Ispostavilo se da jesi. 🙂

Najcudnija IGM koju si dobio na ERepu?

PedjaT:Evo je:

ERep okupljanja, da/ne?

PedjaT:Da...sto da ne...
Doduse, do sad sam bio samo na jednom jednom osobom...jednim andjelom. 😃

Omiljena knjiga, pisac?

PedjaT:Prvo sto mi pada na pamet je "Autobiografija" Branislava Nušića.

Muzika, zanr?

PedjaT:Uglavom rock/metal, ali nisam iskljuciv po tom pitanju.


PedjaT:Vrlo rijetko, skoro nikad.


PedjaT:Vrlo cesto, skoro uvijek. 🙁


PedjaT:Ja se hranim iskljucivo ljubavlju!

I slaninom...

3 stvari bez kojih tvoj dan ne bi bio potpun?

PedjaT:Kafa, cigare, eRepublik. 🙂

Imas li neki dnevni ritual?

PedjaT:Procitati odgovor na prethodno pitanje.

Najgluplja stvar koju si uradio u zivotu?

PedjaT:Narucio iz Amerike aparat za espresso.
Ukljucio ga u struju i kren'o da citam instrukcije...da vidim kako se
pali, kako radi...
Kad on poce sam da radi. Izbacuje nesto...ja kontam kapucino...
Kad nije kapucino, nego dim.

Izgorio jer sam ga prikljucio na 240V.

Da li si se ikada lozio na majku nekog tvog prijatelja?

Ali ne iz moralnih razloga, nego jednostavno zato sto ni jedna nije MILF.

Gde bi voleo da budes za 10 godina?

PedjaT:U slobodnom Konstantinopolju. 🙂

Sta ne volis kod ljudi?


Sta te cini srecnim?

PedjaT:Pogled u ogledalo. 😃

Tvoje vrline?

PedjaT:Nemam pojma... Na ovo mozda ti mozes bolje odgovoriti? 🙂


PedjaT:Takodje, pojma nemam.

Pfff...Dobro...Idemo dalje.

Dan ili noc?

PedjaT:Nocna ptica...ili vampir... Ne spavam dok ne vidim Sunce. 🙂

Night club ili Café?

PedjaT:Cafe koji radi nocu. 🙂



Da ti doktor kaze da imas jos jednu nedelju zivota radio bi sta?

PedjaT:Pa...zapalio bih cigaru...
Sta znam...smrt mi bas i nije u planu.

Ljubav je?

PedjaT:Smisao zivota?

Verujes u musko-zenska prijateljstva?

PedjaT:Naravno da vjerujem. Prijateljstva izmedju suprotnih polova su bolja i
iskrenija...zato se cesto krunisu brakom.

Ajmo kolega poruka za eRepovce?


I jednu muzicku za kraj?

Who is PedjaT?Tell us some basic things about you,age,what do you do?

PedjaT:Born in the 1983rd, intelligent,handsome,charming…modest.
I work with affiliate marketing.
From Lopare(RS), and now I live in Banja Luka(RS also).

How did you started to play eRepublik?

PedjaT:In 2009th people in varius forums spamed with “Serbia is under Croatian occupation”.
Iregister, I see tha the game is c**p, so I give up…
After a few days back, again I see spam, and thought ‘let me see what is this all about…
But forgot the password for the previous account…Well, again sing up.
Again same c**p, but at the end…continue to play a bit… 😉

What annoys you most about the erep?

PedjaT:Those who take this game too seriously.

Did you have a conflict with some of the players?

PedjaT:Yes. With more idiots ...
I do not want to name them now, I would probably forgot to mention some of them.

Are you ever consider to shut down your account?

PedjaT:Well ... honestly ... can not remember ... I think not.
Why just this negative questions ... Ask me what I like.

Slow down, we'll get to that...Why you're so nervous...Khm,khm where was I....

What motivates you to continue to play eRep?

PedjaT:The opposite sex.

For some of us eRepublik is the only opportunity to communicate with the girls.
You can recognize us by a great number of medals and high rank. 😃

Ouuuu aaand, the thing that trouble us all .. Are you a Jew? : D

PedjaT:It depends on who asks. 🙂
In real life I am not Jewish, but I have great respect for Jews and
I support Israel.

The reason why you never ran for president eSerbia?

PedjaT:When elections come with them coming and annoying messages that drive me crazy: "Brother,c'mon vote for me in Kuala Lumpur."
Politics bothering me in the game.

Will you ever?

In fact ... maybe ... not sure ... but I think not.

And will you ever create the real MU?

PedjaT:Currently I can not think of anything better or more beautiful than this one now.
And, this already makes more damage in battle than some "real", so...

You have a bad reputation for grabbing medals,do you make any exceptions?

PedjaT:Sometimes, depending on the mood.
Lately,I became more emotional so I allow them more to overtake me. 🙁

Players say that you are a mystic player from the shadows, little is known about you.
Do you see your self such?

PedjaT:Mystic?From the shadows? : /
Well, not exactly ... Why?

Well they say that little is known about you, you don't expose yourself,you never gave an interview...
And really,why you never gave an interview?

PedjaT:Ha,"I don't expose myself" lol.
And, really I did not give interviews because ... I was waiting for the right one.

The love between you and the Turks?

PedjaT:I fight against the Turks from approximately May 2010.Was I wrong?

It turns out that you were right. 🙂
The strangest IGM that you receive?

PedjaT:Here it is:*

eRepublik gatherings, yes / no?

PedjaT:Yes ...why not...
True, so far I was only in one assembly...with one angel. : D

Favorite book and writer?

PedjaT:The first thing I can think of is the "Autobiography" by Branislav Nušić.

Music, the genre?

PedjaT:Mostly rock / metal.


PedjaT:Very rarely, almost never.


PedjaT:Very often, almost always. : (


PedjaT:I feed only with love!

And bacon ...

Three things without which your day would not be complete?

PedjaT:Coffee, cigarettes, eRepublik. 🙂

Do you have a daily ritual?

PedjaT:Read the answer on the previous question.

Stupidest thing you've done in your life?

PedjaT:I ordered from the U.S. espresso coffee machine.Plugged it into the socket and started to read the instructions...
To see how it works...Suddenly it began to work itself...Something is leaking from it... I thought it's
makeing a cappuccino...Got up to chec, and imagine that, it's not a capuchino...
It is smoke.

Burned, because I plugged it on 240V(volts).

Have you ever crush on your friend's mother?

But not for moral reasons but simply because none of them was MILF.

Where would you rather be in 10 years?

PedjaT:In a free Constantinople. 🙂

What you don't like about people?

PedjaT:The stink.

What makes you happy?

PedjaT:Look in the mirror. : D

Your virtues?

PedjaT:I have no idea ...I think you know the answer to this question. 🙂

And your flaws?

PedjaT:Also, I have no idea.

Pfff ... Well ... Let's continue …

Day or night?

PedjaT:Night bird ... or a vampire ... I do not sleep until I see the sun. 🙂

Night Club or Café?

PedjaT:Cafe who works at night. 🙂

You hate...?


If your doctor told you that you have another week of life, what would you do?

PedjaT:Well ... I would lit a cigar ...I do not know, I never thought about death...

Love is...?

PedjaT:The meaning of life?

Do you believe in the male-female friendships?

PedjaT:Of course I believe. Friendship between opposite sexes and are better and more honest
so they are often crowned with marriage.

Ok partner...Messag to fellow players?


And a musical for the end?


* (The player who sent the message was using Google translator to translate into Serbian.
Unfortunately Google translate it totally wrong, it sounded absurd and ridiculous.)