Intervju:Max McFarland 2 [ENG][SRB]

Day 926, 04:39 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ljuba90

Dodjoh na ideju da uradim intervju sa jednim od najboljih i svakako trenutno jednim od najpopularnijih igraca Erepublika-Maksom Mekfarlandicem…U napred se izvinjavam na malo slabijem engleskom(sa moje strane,ne maksove 😃 )
E pa ovako :

English version.

1) What do you think about Serbia and Serbian people?
Serbia is a very lively nation, with a surprisingly high activity level. Even compared on a percentage basis, the activity is amazing. I think that so long as Serbia can maintain this interest, this passion, the nation will flourish. The people are the foundation here; an involved, interested, passionate culture is fundamental to a strong nation in eRepublik, and right now Serbia has all of this.

2) What do you think for how long will Serbia stay in Liaoning?
Longer then expected? 😉 The eUSA expected to win that battle, and it was quite an expensive battle. I don't know full details, but I suspect Serbia is going to hold Liaoning much longer then expected. Hold on for dear life, once the colony is lost, the game gets a little bit more stale.

3) Why do you play this game?
I like the culture, the people, the friendships developed. I like the nationalism everywhere, even thought it often gets in the way and causes problems. I like that people everywhere can express their pride in their nation, play hard, fight hard, and nobody is truly hurt, nothing is truly lost, yet everyone gets to express their pride. 😁

4) Do you think about yourself as one of the best players in game? If yes-why,if not-why not?
No. I'm just Max, nothing special. I have never even been a CP.

5) Would you run for a president elections in serbia in late future maybe?
I think that would be crazy fun, but the odds are against it. I am pretty attached to the eUSA, even though I will not be CP here. I guess the future is open, but it's unlikely, you have lots of excellent folks within your nation already. 😁

6) Do you have some advices for eBabies?
Find a mentor, try different aspects of the game, there is a lot of content that cannot be seen easily. Find a place in the community that you enjoy, where you contribute, where your time holds meaning for you.

7) What things keep you in game for this long?
Addiction? Boredom? Anytime I am away, I eventually gravitate back to the forums when I hit a slow period at work, or when I have more free time then usual. 😛

😎 What do you think about journalist who interview u now?
Interview are fun, and you are very persistent, which is an excellent quality for a journalist. ^_~

9) Are u angry because he is so bad in english?
Of course not. English is not my first language. It takes a lot of practice to improve. If you do not practice, then your English will never get better.

10) Anything you want to say that I didn’t ask u?
Thank you for the interview. 😁

Cheers 😉

Srpska verzija

1) Sta mislis o Srbiji i Srbima?
Srbija je veoma ziva nacija,sa iznenadjujuce visokim nivoom aktivnosti.Cak i na procentualnoj bazi,aktivnost je neverovatna.Moje misljenje je da ce Srbija cvetati ukoliko nastavi sa ovolikom zainteresovanoscu i strascu.Ovde su ljudi temelj;ukljucena,interesantna,strastvena kultura je osnov za jaku naciju u eRepubliku,i sada Srbija ima sve ovo.

2) Sta mislis koliko ce dugo Srbi ostati u Liaoningu?
Duze nego sto je ocekivano? 😉 eUsa je ocekivala da ce pobediti,i bila je to vrlo skupa bitka.Ne znam sve detalje,ali predpostavljam da ce Srbija drzati Liaoning mnogo duze nego sto je ocekivano.Cuvajte ga ko oci u glavi,kada kolonija bude izgubljena,igra ce postati banalna.

3) Zasto igras ovu igru?
Volim kulturu,ljude,nastajanje prijateljstva.Svidja mi se svaciji nacionalizam iako cesto stane na put i stvara probleme.Svidja mi se zato sto svi ljudi mogu da pokazu koliko su ponosni na svoju drzavu,igraju cvrsto,bore se jako i niko nije stvarno povredjen,nista nije stvarno izgubljeno,a ipak svi mogu da izraze svoj ponos.

4) Da li o sebi razmisljas kao o jednom od najboljih igraca u igrici?Ako da-zasto,ako ne-zasto ne?
Ne.Ja sam samo Maks,niko poseban.Nisam cak nikad bio ni predsednik drzave.

5) Da li bi se kandidovao za predsednika Srbije u daljoj buducnosti?
Mislim da bi to bilo veoma zabavno,ali male su sanse za to.Veoma sam vezan za eUSA,iako necu biti predsednik(amerike).Buducnost je nepredvidiva,ali tesko da ce doci do toga,vec imate dosta odlicnih ljudi u svojoj naciji.

6) Da li imas neki savet za eBebe?
Nadjite mentora,probajte razlicite aspekte igre,ima mnogo sadrzaja koji ne moze tako lako biti vidjen.Nadjite mesto u drustvu gde cete uzivati,gde cete doprinositi,gde ce vase vreme znaciti za vas.

7) Koje stvari te drze u igri ovoliko dugo?
Zavisnost?Dosada?Kad god sam odsutan,kad sam na poslu a imam slobodnog vremena,ja dolelujam do foruma 😛

😎 Sta mislis o novinaru koji te trenutno ispituje?
Intervju je zabavan,a ti si veoma dosledan,sto je veliki kvalitet za novinara.

9) Da li si ljut zbog njegovog loseg engleskog jezika?
Naravno da nisam.Engelski nije moj maternji jezik.Treba mnogo vezbe da bi se unapredio.Ako ne vezbas,tvoj engleski se nikad nece popraviti.

10) Zelis li nesto da kazes,a da te nisam pitao?
Hvala za intervju.

Bio je to Max McFarland,zaista mnogo dobar i zanimljiv covek.Ovim putem mu se zahvaljujem.
Nadam se da ce vam se svideti clanak.

Keep on smiling!