Interviews with Daphne Lilac and Justinious McWalburgson III

Day 315, 00:20 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

I sent out questions to 3 candidates I was contemplating endorsing.
The 3 were Daphne Lilac, Evan Bayh and Justinious McWalburgson III.

I received responses from two candidates, as I must get going soon. (I have to take a vacation in RL, me and the lady friend are driving down to the Central Coast of California for our anniversary, 4 yrs.)

First, the interview with Justinious -

1. What is your stance on local governments retaining autonomy through SOs designed to put out gifting programs, immigration funds, job assistance, etc? Do you support or oppose that, and would you support the idea of petitioning admins to retain the federal system we have now?

I actually have encouraged that and feel it is a great way for citizens to continue to have control and governance over their region in V1. As VP now and as President in the future I support those ideas. I would petition to keep what we have, but the admin"s have made it clear if they were to change it back it could take weeks or months of reprogramming V1 to get them back into the fray. So because of this mayors will be gone for a time, but with the help of SOs and regional support the spirit of our good mayors lives on.

2. What is your stance on armed conflicts? Do you support the United States being involved in any armed conflicts? Aggressive wars, or defending an ally?

I believe it is a necessity for our country to prosper to have open armed conflict, but as we have seen in the past taking an aggressive stance again other nations is not good for international relations. I believe the US should come to the aid of any nation that ask and to any of our allies if we are in able body to help them.

3. Will you remain active in the game, as previous presidents have gone through phases of inactivity?

I think the last 6 months of being highly active in this game and owning a paper in the #8 spot in the country shows a lot of my activity and dedication to the game. Nothing will cause me to leave my country abandoned as the previous presidents have, that is a main goal of my campaign. Even in the advent of some catastrophe where I am unable to fulfill my duties Uncle Sam is more than willing and capable to step up and fulfill the duties as president.

4. Finally, what is your stance on inflation, as you may know, the dollar of the value seems to be going down at a faster than acceptable pace. Do you support deflation to increase the value of our currency, or do you support printing more money, or stay the same?

I have noticed the rate of the dollar, but that is easily fixable with intervention from the federal government. The Current Market Deflation we are suffering from is due mostly to overproduction and lack of demand because of the war module being ceased. It is the policy of my administration to regulate the dollar and help our markets when deflation or inflation occurs on a large scale basis.

And now for Daphne-

1. What is your stance on local governments retaining autonomy through SOs designed to put out gifting programs, immigration funds, job assistance, etc? Do you support or oppose that, and would you support the idea of petitioning admins to retain the federal system we have now?

I think that local governments setting up SO's to support those functions of gifting etc for citizens is a fantastic idea. I fully support that and whoever thought of doing that since the mayoral position is eliminated deserves credit. What I worry about though is that v1 will have a completely different SO function. So this may not be feasible with v1. As for retaining the federal system we have I imagine you are talking about Mayors? I would encourage keeping mayors only if they implemented more functionality for them. Sure very active and innovate players utilized that position well but those players are far and few between in Erepublik it seems. And this is why I think that mayorships need to have more built in functions.

2. What is your stance on armed conflicts? Do you support the United States being involved in any armed conflicts? Aggressive wars, or defending an ally?

We've been missing out on the fun of wars for a long time now. I don't believe in being outright aggressive often and being foolhardy but I must admit I would prefer to engage in war at some point. I've spoken to a lot of players who hold the same opinion. It is dissapointing that we'll have to wait for war to be functional again but I look forward to the improvements. I support defending allies of course- this is also a nice way to let our citizens gain rank and experience war without our government having to pay heavy fees to start a war.

3. Will you remain active in the game, as previous presidents have gone through phases of inactivity?

I have been consistently active since I have started playing this game. I have made very worthwhile and close relationships with my Erep friends and I am here to stay. I cannot concieve of slacking off when being president. I find that the most detestable thing that our previous president's have done.

4. Finally, what is your stance on inflation, as you may know, the dollar of the value seems to be going down at a faster than acceptable pace. Do you support deflation to increase the value of our currency, or do you support printing more money?

I support having the dollar be slightly undervalued. Printing huge amounts of money seems rash to me. But in this case I would certainly defer to my economic advisors and always get a few perspectives before making a final decision.

This is a very tough decision to make, as both are very strong candidates.
Justinious has the experience of campaigning many times before, and had my endorsement the last round. On the other hand Daphne seems to have a cool level head and the willingness to delegate authority. Both hold strong positions on all issues, and I appreciate the thoughtful responses from both candidates.

I would like to present my endorsement to Daphne Lilac.
The reasons being - Although both candidates seem to be desirable on the issue of state's rights, she seems to be realistic and gave the exact response I was looking for in a presidential candidate.

Although I personally support a strong dollar, I can understand her logic and willingness to listen to economic advisors. I do not support total intervention from the federal government on the issue of the dollar as Justinious had presented. Both candidates gave good reasoning behind this.

Both are very active players and I will be happy with either one, but my vote goes to Daphne, and I encourage you to do the same. She seems to be the candidate best suited to support the needs of local government and allowing the regions in eUSA to remain autonomous.

Thank you for reading! Now go out and get her elected.