Interview with your president - folker

Day 741, 10:36 Published in Spain Croatia by Plese Tomislav">

Hello ladies and gentelman. This is Croatian Interview Times.
Today you can read an interview with folker.

Well enough talk. Here is an interview.

Describe your way from ebirth to president position in eSpain.
Well my long way to presidency. I started playing more than a year ago. During that time I just worked for friend's companies and trained on a daily basis, my real career as erepublik player started in december 2008 when I joined Cuervos, the former and oldest mobile military corps from Spain. I was almost a newbie at that point, after that I joined the Spanish Army (FFAA) and later I needed to reborn after sardinia battle and started using my current account folker. I moved to Poland and worked there for some months and I fought there as freelancer as well. In the summer I joined Theocracy, happy times there, but then WW III started and when Switzerland was conquered I came back to Spain to help my own country. I fought in some battles, but I clearly remember the Valencia's RW where we fought green so Spain could disappear so that our country could start from zero (sad and happy time at once). At that point, I moved to Spain and ran for congress, it's then when I started my political career. I was VicePresident in tuput's Government. Later on, I was a defense advisor during taguaro's Government and now I am the President of Spain.

In whole RL world is crises. What is situation in eSpain?
RL crisis affects to everyone, Spain is not an exception, we have one of the highest unemployment rates compared to the rest of European countries. Although, eSpain has got a powerful economy based in Iron industry and high Quality manufacturing companies.

What do you think about new rules about MPP? Can you handle the all expenses?
MPP new rules are gonna affect badly to the smallest countries which are gonna suffer to keep their own territories. In countries with more than 5k citizens I think there won't be real problems to hold a set of mpps that can guarantee the security of both countries involved in each mpp, also plans to cover the security of our smaller allies countries it's gonna need to be implemented

Last days a few important PEACE countries leave PEACE. What do you think about all that?
Well maybe that MPP new rules, and the fact of the recent epic failure attacks, like that last ones against Croatia, have made them to acelerate their moves. Peace as we knew is dead, but there will be more like 1 to 1 relations between them, dunno what gonna happen with the weaker contries.

What will happen next with war alliances in your opinion?
Maybe some new and smaller alliances, with common goals, but the biggest countries will keep ruling the new world, that is not gonna change. Just the smaller ones are going to suffer more and maybe some new alliances like SOL or ALA are going to appear.

What do you think of eCroatia?
Well my first own company was in Croatia, when it was implemented so I have known from Croatia from its very first day, Croatia grew up really fast and started working pretty well. I remember the conquest of Serbia, their support to Spain during the hungarian TO, and their fully support during our invasion and our reconquest of the country where some croatians were battle heroes and resistance heroes with their own money and ofc your army hiting everyday, difficult to forget, we have been more than allies in that long time, maybe some croats remember also our help in the battles to defend croatia, like Slavonia or North West Croatia.

How is situation between EDEN and eSpain rigth now?
I'm proud that EDEN treaty was approved during my first month as member of government, i lived an important moment of our recent history, our Brotherhood was finally formalized, i am fully supporter of our Brotherhood of EDEN and I'm trully convinced that we are going to make great things for this game. Spain received great help from EDEN and we feel as an important member of the Brotherhood.

Would you candidate for contry presidency again?
At the moment I'm not sure, it's a pretty hard work being president, and I dunno if I can have enough time the next month for this, but I will be willing to help my country from wherever iId be.

Where do you see eSpain in about six months?
I saw recently a reborn of Spain so I honestly believe in a progressive growth in Spain in terms of population and military forces as well as an increase in diplomatic relations worldwide. eSpain can do good things for the New World as it has already done in the past and its recent times.

Do you know what is ZDRUG?
Of course, their avatar is well known in the battlefield, and we really appreciated their great help in the Spanish reconquest, and the same with your babies, a great example to follow for other armies.

Would you like to say something to eCroats or eSpanish?
I just wanna show my fully gratitude and admiration for the croatian population, for their fully support to eSpain. And I wanna make them know that whenever they need us, we will be there for sure. eSpaniards really know and appreciated the croats as the great ally they are.

That would be all. I hope you enjoy.
You can read my last interview with eGreee president here.
Thank you for reading this.
Greetings from Croatia.
Plese Tomislav