Interview With The UIP Party President Candidates: Part 3

Day 1,236, 15:04 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

Hello again eRep. Once again I have two candidates who have declared for the UIP Party Presidency and I'm going to be asking them some questions. In this article we have Kazeal and S-Mac31, our current Party President.

1. First of all, what do you think makes you qualified to be the Party President of the UIP?


Answer: My experience. It really makes me feel uncomfortable to brag, it just doesn't feel right, but no other candidate has the amount and diversity of experience that I have. I have served as UIP Vice Party President for a total of nine terms (under five different Party Presidents), and have held and excelled at every single position in the UIP Cabinet (minus SecTech and SecResearch), in addition to other minor roles within the party. All of this isn't even taking into account my eight months of experience serving in the executive cabinet of the federal government.


Answer: I am qualified to be the UIP PP because I have a head of steam going. As most of you know, I am the current party president, and the ideas I have grouped together will get 30 more days to fully mature under me should I be re-elected.

2. What is your motivation behind running for Party President?


Answer: I am motivated to see the UIP rise to the forefront of eUS national politics. For a long time, I had too many other commitments to be able to fully dedicate myself to this party and put in the time required by the position of Party President; I didn't want to run unless I knew I could give it my all and do the best damn job possible. However, due to recent RL and eRep events, I have suddenly found myself with a lot more time on my hands, and a plan has already started to form in my head on exactly how we can rise to be the party everyone is talking about


Answer: My motivation is the anti-UIP people out there. I have heard more people say to me that the UIP is dead in the past week than ever before. If we were really a dead party, then why are there so many people interested in running a dead party? The UIP will not die under me.

3. Do you have any particular plans for a cabinet structure in terms of both positions and who would fill them?


Answer: Of course! However, I will not be handing out positions in order to sway votes, I want the best men/women for each job, regardless of which candidate they vote for. In light of this, I will not be announcing who will fill which positions until after the election is over (if I win). With the exception of a few top positions (Vice Party President and SecElec), my staff will remain secret.


Answer: My cabinet construction is going to be pretty much the same as this month, with one addition. I will be adding a Secretary of War. Now if I win the election, crayolabutthole will be in the position. He has show extreme amounts of interest in starting a militia, and he feels the time is now, as do many others.

4. What would you do to increase both activity and membership?


Answer: As outlined in my platform, I plan to implement two different methods of direct recruitment, as well as several indirect methods. I will also bring back the UIP Department of FUN as the gem atop my retention strategy. I could talk for ages about these two things, but we're short on space, so please welcome your audience to check out my platform, or to PM me directly, for further information or details!
(Platform article =


Answer: I plan to use things that every single UIPer can get involved with, many contests out of the UIP newspaper, and classic recruiting. Our Defensive Voting Association, which would be used in order to take our media back from the iNCi, is open to every UIPer. Contests that will get people excited to join are always fun, with cash prizes, and classic recruiting to nab them before they are scooped up.

5. What would you propose to improve the United Independents Party's image and inter-party cooperation?


Answer: To put it simply: increased visibility. We're already a kickass community, but we spend a lot of time cloistered away in our private IRC channels and on our own party forum; the eUS community at-large, and the other eUS parties, don't get many chances to see and communicate with us unless they send members to our forum to hang out with us. To fix this, we can be more visible by: publishing more (and better) articles, encouraging all members to use our public IRC channel whenever possible, and by pushing more members towards government service and participation on the eUS forum. My platform, of course, goes into greater depth on this subject 😉


Answer: Honestly, I feel like under my term, the image has improved already. UIP trolling seems to be down, besides a few who say the UIP is dead. But to further our UIP image enhancement, I would take a strong stand about UIPers watching their mouth on eUS forum. No need to stir up trouble there, only bad can come out of that. As for inter-party relations, in-party contests, getting more activity in IRC. The more UIPers on IRC, the better the fun!

6. What other area within the party do you feel needs the most improvement and what would you propose to do so?


Answer: I plan to re-energize the Department of Publications by fusing it under the same umbrella as the Department of Research. This will (hopefully) lead to the drafting of many more great articles on diverse subjects. The biggest problem in this area, however, is a shortage of staffers; I plan to remedy this problem by being proactive about recruitment, and about guiding UIPers into positions that they will not only enjoy, but that will also do the most good for our community.


Answer: I do feel like this is a rather unfair question to me 🙂. It is kind of asking me "What Secretary are you going to call out and say did not do a good jon in front of the entire UIP?". But regardless, I will answer, so take no offense. I believe it is our Education. We have to teach people what the UIP is all about, and maybe they will do there jobs more efficiently if they know what they are doing it for.

7. Why are you UIP? What does the party mean to you?


Answer: Because it's the best damn community in the game, duh ;P I have been a part of several other groups of people, but none of them have ever come close to comparing with the awesomeness of the UIP. The party means everything to me; with no UIP, I would not still be playing eRepublik, that's for sure.


Answer: I am the UIP because the UIP is me. I loved everything about this party from the day I walked in. We really are what the title says. United, because we are together, no matter who wins the election, and it won't change. Independent, because there is so much diversity in this party, it is impossible to ignore. This what what makes the UIP different. Party, as in what we are and what we have 😃.

8. Lastly is there anything else you'd like to say? A final plea of your case perhaps?


Answer: My answers to these questions have barely begun to scratch the surface of what I have planned for the UIP! I would like to encourage your UIP readers to please please please check out my platform to get a better window into what I'm thinking. Also, I'm always open for questions or constructive criticisms! Thank you for the interview, Styg!


Answer: Honestly, if you are not impressed with someone, than do not vote for them in this election. Do not vote for your best friend because they are, don't vote for the person who is giving you a cabinet spot, do not vote for a big name just because they are a big name. Vote for the person who when you read what they wrote made you think "Hm...this is really interesting, I like it". Bottom line, go with your gut, and choose who is best for the party.

Thanks guys for the responses. Should be one more article coming if/when they send their responses.