Interview With The UIP Party President Candidates: Part 2

Day 1,235, 20:58 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

Greetings again eRep. I'm coming to you now with the second part in this series interviewing all the candidates for Party President of the UIP. In this article we have Jason Welsh and Justin McCravok giving their responses.

1. First of all, what do you think makes you qualified to be the Party President of the UIP?

Jason Welsh

Answer: I’ve been in the UIP for about 10 months now. I’m confident that i can accurately represent the people in the UIP, as well as efficiently work with everyone to better the party.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I have a lot of experience in the UIP and party politics in general. Not only have I been a member for well over a year now, but I have been a party president two times, a Secretary of Elections three times, a Secretary of Publications three times, and much, much more. I have also journied into National Politics, serving as the eUSA Chief of Staff during Glove's term and Secretary of Interior two-three times.

2. What is your motivation behind running for Party President?

Jason Welsh

Answer: I’d like to help the UIP. I’ve seen the usual stuff just going by in its own boring way for a few months now. I think it’s time that we have some new things going on, like recruiting drives, and ATO investigations.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I feel there's a lot of simple problems that have been ongoing for several months now that just need to be addressed once and for all, partly so I can stop worrying about them. Recruitment needs a revival. We need more fun, retention programs, like what Winter King Athanaric did back when he was Party President. Since then, we've just been lurking aside, letting other parties take our members. There needs to be a change.

3. Do you have any particular plans for a cabinet structure in terms of both positions and who would fill them?

Jason Welsh

Answer: VP=Stiltner
Secretary of Elections=John Largo/looking for partner
Secretary of Communications=Warriorx
IIS Head=crayolabutthole
Secretary of Technology=Chris Shnitzel
Media Director=TheDillPickl
Presidential Advisor=ssomo
Chief Graphics Artist=Shino336
Secretary of Member Services(helping noobs with IRC, ect.)=asking a specific person if they want the job.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I do have a cabinet planned, but the cabinet structure itself will remain very similar to what it has been in recent months. However, I will include more young blood and hopefully get newer players who are looking for something to do.

4. What would you do to increase both activity and membership?

Jason Welsh

Answer: In the beginning of my term, I plan to start a mass recruiting drive through MMing. After that’s done, we will revive the sorting hat, and start up a program called Operation: Forum Foods. Every new member that joins the forums will get a q5 food item for every 10 forum posts. I will be paying for this out of my own pocket.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I will take a plea for government funding for retention programs and in-game activities such as writing contests and UIP competitions in general. Membership itself relies on good recruitment, something that I will put forth as a top priority.

5. What would you propose to improve the United Independents Party's image and inter-party cooperation?

Jason Welsh

Answer: I believe that the mass recruiting drive, combined with player retention efforts and everything that we have planned here will gain us some respect from other parties, as they will see what we’re willing to do.

Justin McCravok

Answer: Our image by this point in time is generally set in stone, but the little things we do such as encourage newer members to join and to make parties and party politics more useful could earn us reputation points from other eUS citizens. Inner-Party cooperation will be a high priority, as we're all on the same team here, to help America.

6. What other area within the party do you feel needs the most improvement and what would you propose to do so?

Jason Welsh

Answer: I will mostly be working to improve the media department, and to rebuild the IIS. I’ll be reviving the Sub Club, starting up ATO investigations so the IIS doesn’t get bored and start to die, and i’ll be giving the Comm team a workout this term.

Justin McCravok

Answer: Recruitment really needs to step their game up if we want to maintain our top 5 party position. We need more fun on the forums and in-game, so our SecFun will have a very large role in coordinating games and acitvities. This is something that in my first term I focused heavily on and will hope to continue on. Maybe a Real Daily Funny return?

7. Why are you UIP? What does the party mean to you?

Jason Welsh

Answer: This party is filled with the friendliest, most hardworking people in erepublik. From the time that I joined, t now, i’ve seen us adapt and overcome every problem we’ve faced so far. Other parties called us f*****s, we started a recruiting drive and gained over 100 members in a week. The MMer broke, we said f*** it and started MMing by hand while other parties, and even POTUS canidates stopped. When everyone else gave up, we found ways to fix it! That, is why we’re the best party in the eUS, and that is why i will never leave the UIP.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I've been UIP from the start and have stayed here because this party has been so much fun to be a part of and because the people are so light spirited and fun to hang out with. The forums are a good source for discussion and it doesn't get any better than #UIP on IRC.

8. Lastly is there anything else you'd like to say? A final plea of your case perhaps?

Jason Welsh

Answer: A wise man once said “Even an idiot can run a country if he surrounds himself with good people.” This may be my first time running for PP, but I have some of the best UIP members to ever grace this party in my cabinet. I have WarriorX, who is one of the best Secretaries of Communication i’ve seen ever. I’ve got Ssomo, the guy who had to take over the PP position last month on a tight schedule and STILL did a decent job. I’ve got Shino, the best graphics artist in the UIP, Chris Shnitzel, the best Techie in the UIP, i’ve got some of the most famous UIPers ever in the cabinet this month. I’m confident, that if i’m elected, I can lead this party to victory.

Justin McCravok

Answer: I love the UIP and I hope this month, the UIP will love me back. Also Pheno is a fgt.

Thanks for the responses guys.

More interviews to come.