Interview With The UIP Party President Candidates: Part 1

Day 1,235, 11:00 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

Hello eRep. In this article I have with me two of the candidates who have declared their intent to run for Party President of the United Independents Party, John Largo, and Shino336. They have graciously agreed to this interview to help get the word out on their campaigns and their ideas for the party. As a former Party President myself, I hope that the following questions help you make an informed choice about who you would like to lead the UIP. More articles featuring interviews with the other candidates will follow. This is an odd month with a lot of folks running for the Party Presidency and I'd like people to get a chance to know the candidates before our upcoming primary.

I'd originally intended this as one article, but for the sake of length I will be breaking this down into a series. To avoid any appearance of favortism in the order, I will be posting these in the order that I recieved responses to the questions. I am also interviewing everyone who declared (even if it's for lulz). All of these candidates will be featured in our primary.

Alright welcome to my little slice of the eWorld guys.

1. First of all, what do you think makes you qualified to be the Party President of the UIP?

John Largo

Answer: 'Cause I'm tha Shiz


Answer: I think I'm qualified because I've been in the UIP for over a year now. I know Erep economics inside and out, (mainly due to their similarity to RL economics) I'm friends with most of the other PP's, and generally speaking, I know my way around erep pretty well.

2. What is your motivation behind running for Party President?

John Largo

Answer: 'Cause everyone else is doing it


Answer: Everyone else is doing it, plus I'm doing it for real in June. Might as well get in on the party.

3. Do you have any particular plans for a cabinet structure in terms of both positions and who would fill them?

John Largo

Answer: *Censored for sexual position content*


Answer: Nope. If I win we're all screwed in that respect.

4. What would you do to increase both activity and membership?

John Largo

Answer: Red Bull, Viagra and Porn.


Answer: Honestly, I think a few UIP military actions, NOT A MILITIA, would be pretty fun to do. I'd be willing to finance a RW/people moving/fighting there.

5. What would you propose to improve the United Independents Party's image and inter-party cooperation?

John Largo

Answer: We need to worry about our reputation with the average player. If we focus on our reputation with the power players, the best we can be is as good as they are. We are better than that.


Answer: Did I hear IMAGE?!?

Yes. Yes I do.

6. What other area within the party do you feel needs the most improvement and what would you propose to do so?

John Largo

Answer: We need to improve our in-game media presence. I would begin weekly article contests. We need to require more activity from all of our congressional representative. I would begin the Congressional Boot Camp / Mentoring Program.


Answer: What ever happened to inter-party ambassadors? Those seemed like they were fun jobs...
Also, I'd really like to let people really LEARN something. Like something they really can apply outside of Erepublik.

7. Why are you UIP? What does the party mean to you?

John Largo

Answer: I am UIP quite frankly because the UIP wants me. The great thing is that this party is made up of people of different playing styles and opinions. Everyone fits in here and is tolerated as long as they are not denegrating others. We encourage independant thought, but remain united in the purpose, to provide a home for the advancement of fun and fun people.


Answer: Damn, this question again? Its like that question in a job interview, "why do you want to work here?" Well the answer to that question is because I need a job. But the answer to this question is that the UIP is a home for me. So many times you'll go out into the internet, and find nothing but 4channers. Other times, you'll find FBI agents pretending to be little girls. And OTHER times, you'll find old men pretending to be little girls. But that's not true here. I recently just stopped playing erep. I was bored. But I never stopped being active on the forum. Because that was the fun part. So yeah, this went away from the question topic, but, meh, I don't care.

8. Lastly is there anything else you'd like to say? A final plea of your case perhaps?

John Largo

Answer: Yes I do have something to say. The other day I was in a pissy mood and saw how many people were running for office this term and I decided I would write a platform for the lulz to improve my mood. It is in the Elections office part of the forum here

I even signed up to be interviewed by Stygian Steel, as I was in an ironic mood. But as I completed this questionairre, I realized that I do feel strongly about the UIP (Curse you Styg! ). I would like to get 3 votes in the party primary. That would be nice. Outside of that there are plenty of guys with more time than I have: Kazeal, Jason Squared, S-Mac. Warrior X etc. Vote for one of those guys.


Answer: My campaign is just me screwing around. If I win, we're f**ked.
That said, Shino4PP IN JUNE.

Thanks guys for the interviews and the lulz. More interviews to follow.

Stay tuned.