Interview with the presidential candidate of BSP

Day 3,971, 09:34 Published in USA USA by Alias12

Hello everyone,

Today we have a special edition in my newspaper. Since the CP elections are coming, less than 24 hours away, I will be interviewing the presidential candidate of Black Sheep Party, Kobble. He is also the PP of BSP and a proposal for the CP race from within the party base. Without losing more time, let's begin.

1. Hello Kobble. How long have you been playing with the game, have you ever been involved in the government before?

I've been playing for a year now as of last month. And I've had experience here and there in the government. Minor roles primarily but it's helped to get my feet wet. I've done a lot for my party and in MUs to try and learn all the aspects.

2. Why do you want to become the CP of eUSA?

Simply out of duty and responsibility. Personally, I hold duty in very high regards in real life, especially as an American, so I suppose some of that carries over to here. I wasn't planning on running at all and it really hasn't ever been my intention to. My party nominated me, and it convinced me that I should try my best to serve my fellow eAmericans.

3. What's your vision if you get elected?

I have high hopes for the eUSA. The highest priority on my mind is our freedom and that goes beyond just expelling our occupiers. It's one thing to have our nation back. It's another thing to ensure it stays free and that its citizens are not held captive by any sort of political elite. We do not want to fall back down the same hole we're currently climbing out of. We can't forget that part of the reason we were invaded was beyond just the attack on Croatia. Many times, they blamed it on our corrupt leadership and that we wouldn't be free until that changed. Here we are, we've started the process of moving on. Let's ensure it stays that way. I've also always noticed the lack of interaction with newer players. A lot of people talk about creating programs and getting people involved but I don't always see it occur and when it does, not very intuitively. I love noobs, especially in games with a social community like eRepublik. Almost always they have this unbridled energy to prove themselves and do things and when it's focused in the right direction, wonders can occur. I will definitely see to programs and proper interaction with newer players, especially in my cabinet. Although, of course not without the proper experienced players to lead the way.

4. What are some good things the current president (TheMike) has done? What are some bad things he did?

I've seen a lot of good done so far in TheMike's latest term and about half way through his previous term. I wasn't expecting it since his beginning was very slow and not much seemed to get done, but he pulled through and he's impressed me a lot. I do not want to stray from his path and will ensure that he has some role in the next government to help steer it down the right path. There are two specific things I'd like to mention. First has been his Foreign Affairs. He finally did what many eAmericans were asking for. He left Pacifica. It was a dead alliance with not much loyalty from any of its members. All loyalties lied more primarily outside of the alliance rather than inside of it. Then he brought us into the fold of our current friends who we have valiantly fought side by side with, to deter our foes. We wouldn't be where we are right now if it weren't for them and I thank TheMike for leading us that way. We need to strengthen these ties and ensure they don't fall apart like they did in Pacifica.
The second has been his energy. He is always pumped and ready to fight or do whatever he needs to do next. Whenever there is somewhere we need to attack he's always ready to go and rallying the boys out to war and that's lead to the successes we have seen so far.
It's hard to say what he's done bad, but not necessarily because he hasn't done anything bad. I have my speculations, but it's hard to say for certain when you don't have much information to go off. That's probably his primary flaw throughout his terms. His lack of communication outside of the war. I applaud his energy and communication in getting out our priorities and attacks. However, we've been quite lost outside of that. We need full transparency when it comes to all aspects of the government.

5. Have you already decided which will be the people who will help you in the government?

Many names have been tossed around and it's something I certainly think about, because these people will be the ones continuing TheMike's current legacy and successes. He is certainly somebody I'd like to keep around, TheMike. I'm hoping as a secretary, but if he's too burned out I'd fully understand. His experience and his connections are crucial to us. I'll be sure to have a more concrete list as we get closer, but I plan on making sure the cabinet is filled with experienced, and capable because experience does not always mean competency, and newer faces that show potential.

6. eUSA is currently fighting to liberate itself against its occupiers.
Bulgaria, France and Lithuania are already out. Macedonia, Romania and Serbia are still occupying us, but the current government is fighting to liberate against them as well. Do you think that a change in the political leadership will slow things down and we might risk becoming fully occupied again?

Not if the transition is fluid. That's why, as I mentioned earlier, it'd be crucial to keep around TheMike and a few other of his competent cabinet members at least as advisers or mentors to others. We'd need to ensure that everything being done and that has been done, regarding the war, is properly explained and laid out. That, with any replacements, it feels like nothing short of a smooth drive down a road. Sure there might be hiccups, but you always have to be prepared for them and I expect to hurdle those with potential ease.
We also have excellent friends and making sure that we stay on great terms with them, in helping them out and guaranteeing excellent communication between us will help smooth out the road. As well, I have confidence in our fighters. They've done an amazing job under TheMike and I don't expect them to come anywhere shy of their current performance.

7. What do you think about eUSA foreign policy if you get elected and do you have contacts with our current allies?

We're certainly heading in the right direction. And it's the path I think we should've been down a while ago. We need to set these foundations now in stone so that we don't betray them later on down the road. I'll be quite honest and say my foreign contacts are lacking, but it's something I know I can set up as CP especially with the right people on the team. I get along with people fairly easily.

8. The country is in constant need of funding, do you know willing donors?

There are some dedicated and patriotic eAmericans out there and we've all seen them help in the war effort. Even though I'm a new player, I've been trying my best, making sure my party and MU are supplied with whatever I can provide. I do know some good players that are always willing to contribute, and I know there are more out there I haven't talked to as well. It'll only be a matter of reaching out to them and showing their support truly means something. We want a cohesive eUSA that acts together and for each other.

9. When it comes to war on so many fronts, how would you dislodge an enemy?

The biggest issue has always been the number of people we are fighting. Fighting many different people at once never works out to well. The current guys did what works best. You have to eliminate one enemy at a time. Focus your strength in one spot and do not split your forces up, especially since in many battles we can end up outnumbered. It's worked currently with Bulgaria. We had an opening, we struck fast and focused and we succeeded in freeing many states. Stay focused.

Thank you Kooble, for this interview. You can read more about Kobble's CP campaign here. I wish you good luck in the elections and hope everyone will exercise their constitutional right tomorrow to Vote!

I wish you all a good week.
