Interview with Shyguy1001.

Day 535, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council
Interview with Shyguy1001.

Shyguy1001 is a member of the Peoples Communist Party and is one of the chattiest members of the South West..

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I'll ask you some In-Game questions and some real life questions, so. Let's get on with it.

You're Shyguy1001, the lower noob of the council. Have you ever run for Congress, if so. When and did you win?
I believe you are thinking of yourself there Mr. N00b. What is your strength? 6? What level? 14? Pah! And yes, I did run for congress, but got out sheep voted by a UKRP noob who went inactive the next day. 🙁

Lol, burn. You're the Councillor of Transport, what do you actually do for the community?
My role is to try and get people to move to the South West, which helps to make the community more active and also helps the wall in the region. If you want more info on why you should move.. Look here: I have many roles and indeed I am taking on more work since the abolition of MoMaS, (which I used to work closely with, mainly by simply reffering people to MoMaS. Now I cant be lazy). However now many of the movers come from the wellness fast scheme, so the council still doesnt have to spend much money on MT.

Ok, why should people get to know you, on a more.. Personal note?
Because I'm ultra c ool and have free moving tickets for anyone who wants them.. 😛. Also, I'm a very active member of the south west forums (found here: and an all round funny guy. Or as you like to say Luke, Bloody Communist.

ORLY? Well, who do you get on with the most out of the council members?
Not that Luke Mitchell, the TUP b*****d. I've known Azra'eil for a long time, he joined just a few weeks before me and is the only non-noob on the council. Craig is great too. He also lives near me to boot!


Are you going to run for Congress next term by any chance? 🙂
CLASSIFIED!!! Nah, I'm training up atm. Here in the SW we are lucky enough to have 4 exellent candidates anyway (Luke Mitchell, Rolfus_Mercartor, Azra'eil and Craig. Sorry to the others!), so I dont see the point. Also, I'm part of this camelot business. Should be fun.

What do you do on eRepublik most of the time? (Including the forums).
Well first I do the usual (work, train, fight), then I log into the council account. Then I log into the forums and switch on the IRC and generally dont log back into erep for the rest of the day. I systemattically go through all the important forums before I end up at the spam forums. Then the fun begins! 😆

Damn that spam..

Lastly, what is your favourite colour?
Red. Communist red.

Many thanks Shyguy, next time I'll be speaking with Azra'eil.. Hopefully. If he has the time. And really loves me.

-Luke Mitchell, Councillor of Media.
-Shyguy1001, Councillor of Transport.