Interview with Rhett Butler

Day 704, 16:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish
1. So Rhett what brought you to the eWorld?

A recommendation from a friend 😃

2. What was the first thing to come into your mind when you saw the game?

"Hmm looks fun"

3. Who was the first person to contacted you

Edana Savage MoNC

4. Who were your first friends?

Edana, DT, gg, Digits, 😎ayan, digits and a few others

5. Did they help you in the eWorld?

All my friends have, and Im thankful for it, and thank you especially Edana, without you I wouldnt still be here -winks-

6. You got involved in the media pretty fast, who were the people you wanted to be like in the media?

Truthfully I wanted to be the best, I didnt have an Idol I just moved with the flow, and I knew that a newspaper would help if I wanted to do this 😃

7. What made you want to interview people?

You Lordo, I saw how many people came to visit your interviews, so poof XD

8. Why did you always want to get involved in politics?

I want to do the best I can for Ireland, even if that requires me to sell myself into eSlavery

9. Do you believe you would work well with other Dail Members?

Yes, as long as their goals are to help Ireland, and not themselves then we will be peachy keen 😃

10. Do you think you will do well in the elections?

I can only hope and pray, but I think the people will choose the right man

11. Who has helped you the most with your campaign?

All of my friends, I cant decide. But If I had to it would be the people of Ireland for coming and voting my articles

12. What do you plan on doing if you get elected?

To Stimulate the Economy, by inspiring new business starters to not go into the Manufacturing industry, because we rely too much upon it. Then work on getting more Funds for the IDF, and then tending to the peoples comfort and aid.

13. What ministry interests you most?

MoD, I have heard from a close friend it is very hard, and I see it as a challenging prospect.

14. Do you see yourself going far in politics?

I see myself becoming the President of the Éire, but its a long road, and I see a possibility where a few monkey wrenches could be thrown in there along the way

15. Would you like to say anything else?

To anyone that has a dream. Dream that dream, go forward towards it, if you fall down along the way, dont be afraid to ask your mates, and when you get to it, reach just that bit further to grasp
that golden dream.

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