Interview with President Blank Keating

Day 1,326, 12:03 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

I have received the answers to the five questions I sent Mr. Keating, and will now allow you to read them here on Meet the Press. I would like to again thank him for allowing me to post this, and for taking the time when we all know he is much needed with his work as CP.


1. What do you feel is the most important matter to address during your tenure?

Recruitment. Our media is mostly dead, our forums consist 90% of people who have already quit, and our citizen pool is shrinking instead of growing. I have many ideas, most of which I outlined in my campaign articles, to get more players to the game.

2. What ideas do you have in mind to help re-stabilize America after the long period of wars?

RWs is the name of the game. Even though ONE easily overpowers any single country on our side in a direct battle, resistance battles have proven to be successful when the troops are focused properly. I want to keep that going and get our resources back one by one.

3. How confident are you about the nation's ability to rebuild after what all has happened?

Recovery will be a long and arduous process and it likely won't be done in a term. We have to be ready to take challenges as we come and squeeze every bit of strategy out of the game we can to reduce those challenges. We will always recover - there's no doubt about that.

4. Do you have plans to run for re-election, and if not, what else would you be doing?

At the moment I have no plans for re-election, and I probably won't. I start college again in August and will be changing my focus to that when the time comes.

5. How long do you think it will be until the eUSA is back to full strength?

All things considered, we can be back conquering foreign territories in less than 2 months. The Dept. of Defense is doing it's best to make sure it's an expedited process.

There it is, unedited from what was send to him and what he replied back on. I hope you can all enjoy and vote and subscribe to this paper.