Interview With Piz

Day 803, 15:10 Published in USA USA by destroyer330

Alot of you have been hearing alot about the presidental election coming up and I want to take some time to tell you about the candidate I support...


I got lucky enough to get an interview with him and here it is.

Q: First off than you for doing this interview
A: No problem, my pleasure. Thank you for asking me to do it.

Q: Why do you think your qualified for President?
A: I believe that I am qualified to become President because of my continuous exposure to the Cabinet over the past six months. I have been one of the longest, if not THE longest serving member of government over this time span. I have held several positions in the Cabinet: Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Vice President and Technology Director. Much of my experience has centered around organization and operations in the Executive Branch. I will have another platform article out concerning the next evolution of the Cabinet and Exec structure tomorrow.
I also believe I am well-qualified for the office of President due to my personality and real-life experience. I'm an older player and approach issues and ideas from a methodical, results-based position. I believe in mutual respect and common courtesy towards all. Some of my personal beliefs are including viewing reality as it is, not just as it appears to be; being truthful and acting in a non-harmful way; making an effort to constantly improve and finding a middle path. It's no coincidence that these are tenets of Buddhism...
I have been playing strategy games since I was 15 years old. That was 27 years ago, so yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said I was an older player. 😃

Q: If you do become president what would be the first thing you do?
A:The very first thing would be to get together with Emmanuel Cruise and Bradley Reala and finish filling the cabinet positions. This has to be first. But my first goal is to assemble the Joint Chiefs of Staff and discuss what currently exists in war planning and to flesh out these plans for more possibilities and contingencies.

Q: What type of citizens do you want to help most(Workers, Business owners, etc)?
A😃epends on how you want to slice society. I don't necessarily think that we live in a society where some benefit at the expense of others. If I were to identify groups that I want government programs to assist it would have to be new citizens and low-ranking citizens. Retention is obviously a big issue and doing everything to help out new and low-level citizens could help with retention.

Q: Do you plan on making more fortress states or making low level hospitals in multiple regions?
A:I am a firm believer in the efficacy of the fortress state strategy. I do not believe that adding low-level hospitals in every region will help us that much. I do believe, however, that adding a few Q2 hospitals to regions which receive a large amount of new citizens MIGHT help with retention and certainly will not hurt. In general I'm not a hard and fast acolyte of one theory over another and believe that we should be flexible in strategy and manner.

Now for some tough questions…

Q: Why do you think some of the other candidates are not qualified?
A:I would never say that. The other candidates, I believe, could probably do a fine job at the presidency. I don't think that this is the way to earn election, though, so I'll refrain from criticizing my opponents. I'm making my case for election through a methodical, detailed series of articles. I just released platform article #3. For those that haven't followed my newspaper, I began with my announcement article which identified five areas of focus that I thought essential to our success: 1. more war, 2. 10,000 Fists! or my retention program, 3. Gov't organization, 4. Increased, regular government communications with citizens, and 5. More fun.

I don't believe that any other candidate is as thorough nor has as extensive or detailed a platform as I do. This has nothing to do with their capabilities or potential as president.

Q: Are there any interesting government secrets you want the public to know?
A:Well if they are secret then I can't exactly tell you them, can I?

That said, I will say this: just because we're not doing something doesn't mean there aren't plans for it (i.e., attacking the UK). Sometimes we're prevented from pursuing plans due to our alliance commitments, funding issues, etc.

Now some Misc questions…

Q: Do you think your VP will be a good Vice President?
A:Absolutely. So much so, I wrote an entire article about it. You can find it here:">

Q: What do you think will be the hardest part of being president?
A: I believe the hardest part will be balancing expectations with reality. I think this is where Jewitt has fallen short and I'm not afraid to say so. A little communication and straight explanation would have gone a long ways.

Q: Is There any advice you want to give to someone who wants a political career?
A:Yes, there is. Find a niche of government that interests you (military, economics, citizen support, communications, technology, fun/lulz, etc.) and get involved. Filling out the Human Resources job application form (here: is the first step. The second step is to make contact with the Secretary/individual in charge of the area in which you're interested. Follow up, make contact. It's tough to get in because there are so many interested, capable and talented people who apply.

Q: Last question, Do you hate the admins and eRep server crashes as much as everyone else?
A:Hahahahaha, I don't hate the admins, I kinda understand the difficulty they face. I'm in tech in Real Life and face some similar problems on a daily basis, just not on the scale of having 300,000+ users. Do I hate server crashes? Absolutely. But I learned a long time ago not to have anxiety & emotion over elements in my life over which I have little control. I think eRep certainly applies... 😃

As you can see PigInZen is a great candidate who will be great for the eUS.

You can find his presidential platform here

He has my vote, He has the AAP's vote, Does he have your vote?

Remember vote and sub