Interview With pierrotmon Dictator of e-Serbia

Day 3,029, 05:30 Published in Iran Montenegro by King Arthas

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's "Weekly Insider" we are planning to do weekly interview with political, military and well known player of The New world, Erepublik.
We are doing this so new comers will have some references to know these iconic Accounts/players and it will encourage them to keep on playing so some day they can be like them, a powerful citizen. at the other hand it will help players to get to know each others better.

Today i am hosting pierrotmon, The Dictator of e-Serbia
Well, many of you may know him better than me, but as far as I get to know, he is a patriot, dedicated to his country, trying to make his country more powerful and better place to live. He is professional in military field and He “jumps on political when he feels it’s needed”. So, basically he is not a man of politics, But he is a soldier who does whatever it takes to save his country, even if it is doing politics.
As always, lets cut to the chase and do questions, because this week I did a lot of questions and we have been sending in-game mails to each other for exact 6 days. These are his last words to me:” And I really hope these were the last questions, it took me too much time to answer all these questions”

*Hello pierrotmon!
First of all i need to tell you that all questions here are about the game, So "here","the game", etc... all are referring the Erepublik aka erep.
all talks are in general and we are not talking about anyone but you.
please introduce yourself to our readers
name, age, Nationality, Job, hobbies etc... and tell us when did u started playing, how did u come to this game?

Hello everyone!
my name is Milos, 27 years old, From Serbia my job is research assistant and my hobbies are sport And games.i started playing back to 2009, December. it was when i saw an article about Erepublik in one of Serbia's RL journal.

* At the very first days of playing ere, which aspect of the game was most fun and entertaining to you that kept you playing?

- Economic module.

* does the game still fresh and fun and "alive " to you? does the changes during these years made the game better Or weakened it?
- I'm still playing it obviously but it's not even close to what it used to be and what it meant to me. Changes were usually bad and have weakened this game... However, I liked erepublik rising military module, that was a nice change to me.

* have you ever been banned? if is that so, you were guilty or you were not? 😃
- When I started playing erepublik, I was banned because I didn't know you can have only one account This account was made after that event.

* if today was the first day of your ere life, would you still playing it ?( considering the difference between today's game and the game back to the day that you started ere)
- Probably not..

* how do you see the future of this e-World?
- It doesn't look bright, admins are constantly doing stupid changes. Making epic threshold much higher than it used to be is one of those stupid things.

* any suggestion for plato in order to make the game better?
- Wrote a few in my tickets but not a single one was accepted

* thinking of the first days of your ere life, who was your idol?
- It's not one account, but all from unit Front of Heroes (Serbian MU). I remember Zigazaga, Gidra, ScymeX, 0riana etc. tanking to turn the wall. It was amazing watching such a huge concentration of strong accounts hitting together.

* can you name the players that helped you the most? is there anyone that you think you owe him for his deeds?
- Gru79, a dead account currently. He is the first friend in my friendlist, helped me a lot with advices how to play this.

* tell us your best memory Of erepublik, or the best thing that ever happened to you here.
- Defence of Eastern Siberia (Russia, for those who don't know where that region is ) from USA in erepublik Rising. We were heavily outnumbered during European night but used a terrain advantage to stand against much stronger army. Lost it in the end but it was a phyrric victory for USA and their allies.

* about wars, which one was the most notable or memorable? have you been part of it?
- Look at the previous question. I would also say that all those defences of Liaoning were epic, and the fall of Rhone Alps (Poland controled it in V1).

* the day you started ere, what was your goal, did you fulfill it? what is your goal today? what is it that you want the most now?
- When I started - to become rich (I pretty much fulfilled it). The answer on the next 2 subquestions is: to improve as many as possible Serbian accounts which will make us even harder target for everyone who tries to occupy us or stand against us.

* which country did you find the best? why?
- Hard question... I would always say Serbia, but besides my country there are many others and each one of them has something unique, something for what it is famous in this virtual world.

* talking in general, are our political and military decisions rational or immature? ( i mean did our politicians or military commanders grew up with the game and became more logical or they are yet immature? )
-Most of them are constantly growing up, but there are quite a few stubborn who resist the changes and refuse to change themselves with the game.

* in comparison with real world, which country's erepublik version is better than its real version?
- United Kingdom when it comes to diplomacy, and pretty much all Balkan and South American states when it comes to the military power (plus few other countries like Poland, Iran and Hungary).

* in general, do you think e-World is better than real world?
- Nah, it's the same theater, only main actors are different.

* whats your opinion about e-Iran?
- Old ally. We had some disputes in the past, but generally, our relations are good. Interesting country, definitely.

* best politician?
- I don't like polititians (those classical ones).

* best warrior?

- Ikki di Phoenix and Serbian Legenda

* best strategist?
- There is no much strategy left in this game so I would skip this question.

* best ally?
- All allies are friends to us, so I can't name only one of them

* best decision u have ever made in this game?
- Making Q5 hospital and defence system companies

* most honorable enemy?
- China because of Liaoning battles in V1 and V2. They had the best strategists and the most disciplined soldiers during erepublik Rising. All other so called organized countries were nothing compared to them from that period of this game.

* You said you like economic module, but as it is clear now, you are doing most of your activities in military and political fields. What did change? What drove you to those fields? And since it seems you are successful on those fields, what would you change if you were admin? (On military and political modules)

- I always knew that military power lies in strong economy. That's why I was interested in economic module: only to become a strong soldier one day I'm not interested in economy per se. The same applies to political fiel😛 I jumped in when I saw that people in charge do not understand how to properly invest in the military power of our country. You can't lead an army if you do not understand the military module and the needs of your soldiers (and most of the politicians are only interested in political module of this game and do not know much about organized hitting, tanking, influence of packs etc).
What would I change if I was an admin...? Well, I guess I would push this game closer to what we had in erepublik V2 but would add some cool stuff for 2 clickers, so they could be useful on the battlefield as well. About political module: would let only citizens of level 25 or higher to vote in elections. That's enough for the start.

* Your country is involved in many battles ( turkey, Albania, Georgia and so on) explain us the situation, are you going through all these efforts just for your allies?
- Yes, primarily for our allies, but also for the revenge. We pushed Albania out of Canada to help our ally and to return the… favor'' to Colin when he attacked us while we were busy with Thailand and Croatia in January. Pretty much the same story applies to Georgia: they attacked us in a wolf pack with many other countries 4 months ago even though Serbia never was hostile towards them before that. Turkey and Chile are countries we already had disputes before so the only reason for attacking them is our natural need to help allies whenever these 2 countries threaten them and are within our military ,,range''.

* For newcomers, that red tape on your name, means a lot of things. How do you feel about it? Did you become dictator to rule over people or it was needed? ( I have seen lots of new players hate dictators, cause they think of them as irl dictators )
- It was needed. I don't care about ruling other people because it takes time and nerves, plus politicians that oppose you are constantly insulting you and telling lies about your work. But it's less of two evils compared with the one when someone becomes a president only to take the presidential medal and does not do much to improve his country in any possible way.

* You mentioned the Colin, your enemy with big stash of money, how do u see him, tell us your opinion about this guy
- He wants to be a powerful leader in this e world, there is no doubt about that. But primarily he is seeking fun and he finds it mocking much stronger opponents with his feeble country. I don't have nothing against him, he didn't break the game rules, just want to fight him back whenever he bothers Serbia and allies. After all, we are seeking fun, too, and he really can make certain battles interesting

* How do you think about Iran-turkey war, how do you see this conflict and if it was up to you to judge how would you blame for it? How do you think it will all end ?
- It's very difficult to predict the hypothetical winner of that war. If we watch this list only, Turkey is stronger country:

However, Iran had more money for CO and more powerful allies. As far as I remember, Turkey and Georgia started that war so they are to blame. But I would also say that Iran should have trusted Turks less than you did. Here I'm talking about your famous ex renting agreement with Turks. You even blocked Serbia during the summer 2015 when we tried to cross Iran by using UAE as a land bridge because of that... I mean, it's ok to have a NAP with your powerful neighbor, just don't tie your hands in that way: always keep your NAPs flexible. Good NAPs are those in which you are free to help allies in any way if they attack the country you have a NAP with.

* OK, to end this delightful conversation and finish the interview, for last questions, I want to ask your solution for Iran-turkey war, what is the best for everyone and is it reachable? and give some advice to newcomers, what is good, what is bad and how should they start and what they should do to became a Powerful+ useful citizen.
- There is no permanent solution of erepublik wars. Tensions between neighbouring countries always exist (unless they are allied to each other) so I don't think you can have a long lasting solution for that war. For now, Serbia is there and can guarantee to Iran days, maybe even weeks of peace with Turkey. However, sooner or later we'll be forced to withdraw from Turkey. Of course, we can always airstrike them again once when they throw us out. But for that to happen, you'll have to be determined not to cooperate with Turkey because we do not want to be bigger Iranians than the real life Iranians... Just ask them for a simple NAP (you do not attack Turkey, and they do not attack you directly) and that could be, perheaps, the best solution for that war. If they want bonuses, let them go through Cyprus.

New players should train for a couple of months, then try to earn enough money (BH and big CO hunting) to buy Infantry Kit. After that, everything will be much easier and their influence on battle outcomes will be increased.

For the end, just want to say that I ,,support peace in the world'' Just kidding... This is a war game so don't spare anyone, use the maximum of this game while it still lasts. And, also, never lose your hope if your country is losing since this game is cyclic - one day you are winning, the other you are struggling to stay alive on erep map.

*Thank you Milos for your time and this wonderful talk, it was an honor to talk to you and I wish you more and more gold so you can fulfill your goal to become rich

again thanks to pierrotmon For this interview and thank you people For reading it 🙂
If you have any suggestion for next interviews, any questions that you wanted to be ask or anything that you think will improve upcoming articles, please feel free and share it with me, i will be glad to know your Ideas
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