Interview with Octavius

Day 700, 08:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish
1. So Octavius how did you find eRepublik

There was a link to it on some website I stumbled upon. I clicked it and let Plato walk me through this magical eworld ha.

2. When you joined what were the first things to come into your head

When I started this game everything seemed finite. As though things had always been as they were at that time. I now realize the situation is so much more fluid than that.

3. Why did you move to Ireland?

I chose eIreland right of the bat. I am a 4th or 5th generation Irish American, and have always loved and been fascinated with rl Irish culture, history, and political comings and goings. So it only seemed natural to live in eIreland.

4. In your first few weeks what was your opinion of the game

I loved the game as soon as I got into the social aspect. Even if that was a fight with Grainne ha.

5. Who were your first friends?

Clownprince37, Gordongekko, Patton, and if I remember correctly a foreign org that had ties to the Romanians or something ha I started screening my friend requests after that.

6. How did your friends help and influence you

Clownprince37 almost got me to join Saoirse right around its conception I believe. But GG and Patton managed to get me into the IUP and I haven't really looked back. I have been helped by so many people in this game it is hard to name them all. Noggin, Patton, Tarazis, and GG all deserve special praise though, as they have repeatedly taken the time to walk me through things when I was unsure of myself.

7. Who was the first person to contact you?


8. Who is your favourite friend?

Uaithne and I had a really nice long chat through IRC one night. She is probably the person I have shared the most personal info with and she has always been very supportive of me. Not that I dont elove all my friends : )

9. Tell our readers a bit about the IUP?

There is of course the general info about the IUP. We are the largest party in eIreland, hold the most congressional seats, and the Presidency under Patton for the past month and a half. But there is so much more to the party than that. We have a core dedicated group of members that are well informed, hard working, and perhaps most importantly personable social players. We actively seek input from all party members, in fact we are currently holding discussions on party policy. Also there will be new IUP community activities to take part in coming some time in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for that!

10. Do you enjoy being in the IUP and do you like your fellow IUP members

I think this party fits me like a glove. I greatly appreciate the relationships I have established with my fellow members. I respect them, as I trust they respect me.

11. You have fairly mixed skills how did this happen

When I started playing I got into manufacturing, though after doing some searching I realized I could make better money in construction. Then the job market changed and manufacturing was paying significantly better so I switched back. We learn by failing ha.

12. When did you first get involved in politics and what drove you to it

54 days ago I was elected to my first term in congress. I wanted to be experienced in every aspect of this game. I also wanted to be involved in the decision making process. An open voice through which my constituents may speak, baring that their words possess reason.

13. What was your first congress campaign like, do you think it went well

I put my opinions out as often as I could on articles, comments, and shouts. I hadn't yet ventured to the forum, so it was really just in game actions. In retrospect I would have advertised my articles and been active in the forum, but I made it in to the Dail as a wild card with 7 votes I believe. So I suppose it can be counted as a success.

14. How did you feel after you won your first congress election?

I was elated. Then quickly overwhelmed by the forum ha.

15. What is it like being Minister of Information?

Difficult. There is so much information to compile it is a challenge to know where to start and stop sometimes. I had a great stroke of fortune though in finding a deputy as capable as don.squire is. I will be publishing 2 pieces he has compiled on espain and echile, along with my own recap of the past week or so's Dail proceedings at the latest this friday.

16. You are still young in politics do you see yourself going far

If the people will have me and I am capable of preforming the job then yes. However I take my jobs one step at a time. Any political ambitions I may have will play out in the due course of time.

17. Three hard worker medals that proves you’re dedicated, do you think you are

I log on daily, do my best to read all that I can, participate in Dail proceedings, as well as other governmental and party functions I preform. Compared to some others though what I do is fairly minimal. The work that Digits, Patton, Darragh, and dubhthaigh in particular do is just astonishing. It makes me wonder if they ever find a moment for themselves ha. Winter break is coming though, I might just learn how to make a fancy spreadsheet ; )

18. Do you see yourself becoming party president or even country president?

I think that I hold the potential. Though any commitment to pursue either office will have to be made after serious consideration and discussion.

19. Anything else you would like to say

Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I am a big fan of the interviews and am glad to have taken part. Also thanks so much for the help in setting up the IUP discussion. You made that whole effort so much easier

There it is people our Minister of Information

Vote LordoIrish in Cork and Kerry

LordoIrish the Smart choice for congress