Interview with Mr. Woldy Regarding Latest Affairs

Day 732, 17:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Thunscorpe
Here is an interview with President Mr. Woldy of the UK, here to say a few things about latest affairs.

1) Shall the UK join another Alliance?
"It is Highly probable"

2) What do you think will happen to PEACE now that so many countries have left?
"it is likely that it shall dissolve sooner or later, but the community spirit will continue in everyone who has experienced it."

3) Now that UK is free from PEACE, shall we go to war?
"We'd be more likely to go to war with the support of Allies, which our FA team and myself are working to achieve."

4) Widdows9000 tried to make us attack the USA, you said we’d do it on our own terms, do you expect to be in a war against the USA soon?
"I wouldn't call it a full blown war, but perhaps the odd battle."

5) Where do you see the UK in the future?
"East of ireland, and I hope that whoever follows my administration is experienced and calm, a capable individual."

6) On a scale of 1-10, 1 being worst, 10 being the best, how would you rate eUK’s government officials?
"8, they're pretty good, but there's room for improvement, less so in the cabinet where they're all great."

Thank you to Mr. Woldy for taking the time to be interviewed, and be sure to re-elect him when the time comes!