Interview With Hoth, The New Free Thinking Party Leader

Day 453, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ThomasR26


Hiya Hoth
Thanks for agreeing to the interview.

Today you were the Sole candidate and the Winner of the Free Thinking Party Presidency, That Being said, what are your short and long term goals for the party?

My short term aims are to establish myself among everyone as a well known, confident PP. This is because too many I still remain a new face on the scene and my ability is questionable. However I like to think I have already silenced the doubters by achieving another of my short term aims, to take F-TP in to the top 5 and secure a spot, which with 42 members I think I do. One of my other short term aims to create an organisation however is being rethought. The game would not allow me to use the same name as the party so to avoid confusion I will instead appoint people to several positions within the party and we will all have our own newspapers. I hope to announce who has what position shortly. Lastly I want to secure 2 seats in congress in the coming elections allowing all members of our party a chance to be heard through our congress members and myself.
As for my long term aims, they are aimed at establishing a stable base so that we may run several influential CP candidates over the coming months. In order to do this I intend to hit the 100 members mark sooner rather than later, lastly I want to increase our presence in congress which currently stands at 0 to 20%.

Here are a couple of questions from Spiggy Tope for you.

Ask Hoth if he has a pet that he takes to his offices and whether he takes advice from said pet in times of intrusive stress or stubborn dead ends when a pet can best assist.

What music does this aspiring honcho listen to and by what mode? Is his chosen tunes delivered softly so that he can deduce the spoken word through the mire of din or at notch number 10 which drowns out all but the most persistent opposition so that he can practise his sign language.
What item of clothing is put on first and, conversely, discarded last thing at night?

I saw these questions earlier, my pet remains a chicken, highly influential and wise birds in time of crisis, as well as this the rhythmic clucking can be known to sooth one’s self.
My music taste is poor and disliked by many; I deliver tunes at notch 10 and can be found regularly making prudent hand gestures out my office window.
Has to be my lucky socks!

If you are planning on Country Presidency, who would you say is your biggest rival party?

I in person am focusing on PP but for my chosen candidates over the coming months UKRP will be their biggest rival.This is because there is a lack of political awareness in teh large proportion of voters that until we as a country can address numbers will count for everything. I would change this if I could and my party will regularly release articles to the masses, may I draw everyone's attention to Vyett Ynsydr a highly skilled writer who will be touching on this subject in due course.
Ok, thats very humble of you. I think this can end the interview as I don't want to keep disturbing you on this day of celebration for you

Do you think that had you been against competition you would still have won?

I originally said that I didn't see myself to be as great as FD but times have changed and I remain the active candidate, so whether FD stood or another just as respectable player I still feel I offered people a new light and a new way of thinking. Other party members offered me support showing recognition of my drive so I do not for a second pretend I feared the competition, in fact you could say I regret the chance to not prove myself against a rival candidate.

Thank you very much for the interview.
And that concludes the interview with Hoth. I hope that you have enjoyed this interview.
Thanks for reading