Interview with Harrilal

Day 759, 12:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Theus Jackus

Although I'm not usually one to do any inteviews (this is my first one infact), I was asked to conduct one for famous interviewer and editor of newspaper "Blow Yuh Whistle", Harrilal. This was done as a interview exchange type thing and hopefully he'll post up my interview in the coming days. After interviews with many of eIreland's most famous citizens, it will be interesting to get the thoughts and opinions of this strange, rastafarian character.

The Irish Report: How did you first find eRepublik

Harrilal: I found it simply by chance. I used to play online RISK games and on one of the strategy topsites, I noticed a banner I hadn't before. Clicked it, and that was that.

TIR: What do you consider your ultimate goal in eRepublik?

H: Just to have a decent reputation and to one day be a Media Mogul. I'm trying to get there without moving my paper from eIreland and without any Media Mogul Projects. A bit of a silly challenge, I suppose, but I'm also one of those guys that leveled to the highest level without killing a single thing in WoW. Just to see if I could. When I'm ready, I'm a little crazy.

TIR: What first got you into doing interviews?

H: I just felt to. I wanted to start learning more about eIreland and the eWorld than just what was on the wiki. I would have had to ask people questions anyway, so I figured why not put it in my paper and share with everyone. The first few were major successes, so I stuck with it.

TIR: Do you one day think that you will find your caribbean homeland?

H: That's entirely up to the admins/devs. I doubt we'll see MY specific homeland any time soon. Trinidad and Tobago are not two of the more popular islands. We have oil and never depended on tourism as much as the others. However, the addition of Jamaica or Cuba isn't that far-fetched. If any of the islands (or mainland Caribbean countries) pops, I'll be happy and I will be there helping them get off the ground.

TIR: Who were your first friends in eRepublik, and how did they influence you

H:Grainne Ni Mhaille, NAR Henry and Balkan Beast.

Grainne, when she was here, was always present in the media (still is) through her comments and shouts. She gave me a ton of pointers when I was a newbie.

NAR Henry was one of the people that first gave me encouragement to continue writing in the paper. He had a ton of faith in my writing/editing. So much so that he had me edit the eJamaican Campaigners' article. I was pretty pleased to see something I helped with reach #1 internationally.

In Balkan Beast, I saw a friend. He started a few days before me and also gave me a few pointers. I think the main part of that friendship was that we would compare stats and wages. He also got me looking into eReligions. I never joined any, but the more we talked, the more I realized how big eRepublik is and how much I still had to learn.

TIR: If you could change anything in eRepublik what would it be and why?

H: I would have eTrinidad and Tobago added in a heart beat. Preferably the entire eCaribbean, but selfishly, I would make sure my country was there. Why? It's my home! Who wouldn't want to see their country rising in the ranks? Naturally, I'd make sure there was a healthy relationship between us and eIreland. Can't just forget about my other island home, now can I?

TIR: Any final comments?

H: To all my friends, I sincerely thank you for your support since I started. I truly appreciate every bit of advice, every donation, and even just the idle conversation. It is you guys who make this game great for me.

Oh! You may see me join a party and run for congress in the not too distant future. I have been... inspired.

Well there you have it. I wish I could have forwarded some more poignant questions but this was my first time so I'm sorry for the poor quality questions 😒. If this is a success who knows, I may start doing some more regular interviews!