Interview with gullberg!

Day 1,559, 06:35 Published in Sweden Sweden by A.L.D

Today i've interview gullberg! My english isn't great, excuse me for that please 🙂

Hi there gullberg!
Hi, nice to have my first interview

You live here in eSweden but you are not from Sweden IRL, where are you from?
I'm from the south of Germany, Bavaria
When I started playing eRepublik, Germany wasn't on the map
So I chose annother country that I like very much: Sweden
and I stayed there since the beginning of my elife, eventhough it it sometimes very hard for me, because I don't understand a Swedish word

Do you like the community here in eSweden?
The people here are normally very friendly, but as I allready mentioned I don't speak swedish, so I would wish a more open-minded community, which is tolerant to foreign players too and excepts it to speak English
This is really a problem for me now, but I like the people here.

Too ba😛/ I noticed that you for a while ago shouted in your friendfee😛 "Silent Revolution, turn your avatar in tho this: , here in sweden you where you the only one, but is this a big thing in Germany?
I can't speak for the german community, I have no contact. This shout was referring to an article from Iain Keers, describing the current situation with the admin-team.
Changing the avatar to the picture of Plato should be protest, to make the people who play this game more heared
don't want this game to be ruined just because the admin want to earn a maximum of money.
There should be also fun in the game, but now it lacks

Couldn't agree more, but i like my profile picture😉 I see that you are in Folkhemsdemokraterna, have you always been in that party?
yes, at first I just wanted to inform myself about the left-wing parties, because I support these ideologies the most. Then the former PP of Folkshemsdemokraterna Raticon, made me stay. I learned a lot about the game in my party. Also the beginner-friendly partyprogram was important to me

As you mentioned, you cant talk swedish, do you think you understand FHDs party politics?
yes, I wouldn't be in a party I don't understand...

haha, very smart🙂 How did you find out about erepublic?
I was searching on the internet for an online game and after trying 2-3 other games, I came to erepublik. But back then the game was very different, you had to plan your daily scedule and impove different working skills. It was much more demanding, then it is now.

Is there any people you have really good contacts with on erepublic?
Most of my contacts fell asleep in the last time, to be honest, because I'm not spending as much time in the game as before. Feel free to contact me, if you wanna talk or discuss something😉

And, the obvious next question, is there anyone that you dont like in erepublic?
I don't like player, who have prejudices and use this game to offend people form other countries and I don't like the ones, who can't raise arguments or change their poltitcal positions like clothes. I don't want to name anybody special.

eRepublik birthday Jul 05, 2010 i see, you've played a while! Have you taken a break or played the whole time?
I played the whole time, somethimes more active and somethimes less active

Youre a bit of a veteran then! Have you ever been to Sweden IRL?
Thanks for the compliment, I really saw the game in many different versions. Yes I have been there twice for holidays.

Nice, i've been to germany many times and it's a beutiful country🙂 What do you want the admins to change most here on erepublic?
I don't want gold players to have such an influence in the game. They decide battles just because of their creditcard. This is depressing especially for "younger" players. The communication and teamwork should be the key in battles. I think the game has to be more demandig all in all. 2 clicks aren't enough!

Now the interview is over. It was really intressting to interview you! I agree with you on almost everything you said🙂 Good luck with the congresselection today, and thanks that you wanted to be interviewed🙂
I have to thank you for holding up the interview. Good luck to you and all the readers

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