Interview With Gordongekko

Day 686, 08:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish

I would just like to thank GG for letting interview him

My second interview in a week. I am truly honoured that people want to know more about me.

1. So Gordongekko how did you find eRepublik

In RL I like to look after my own finances. I don’t believe in paying big commission to so called experts who will invest my money poorly anyways (just look at the state of the banks now). So I spend a fair bit of time reading financial papers and researching companies that I might invest in. I was reading the Sunday Business Post one day and I came across the following article and I decided to check out the game. I am hooked on the game since then.

2. What made you want to move to eIreland?

I am from Ireland in RL so I started playing the game here and have stayed here except for the odd few days that I leave to take part in a war.

3. What made you stay in the game, Politics, Friends, Spare time??

All of the above. I find this game quiet addictive and especially now with the cold and dark evenings coming in so it’s a good way to pass an hour. I have also made a lot of good friends here in game in fact there are to many to mention them all and they all know who they are but I would like to mention just a few people. Patton, Niall, Bella, Fromm, Uaithne, Kol, Tarazis and of course Grainne.

4. You were born on Day 348 of the new World, what have you learned in all that time

Guinness and buckfast don’t mix. Sean Power has made the same mistake on occasion.

5. You are a three time Congress member, in my eyes that’s a big achievement. How do you think you achieved it?

I have only run 3 times and I am honoured that people take the time to vote for me. I try and represent them (and the rest of the country) as best as possible. In my first term I kept the issue of getting a Q5 hospital in the country on the agenda and even had plans to set up a fund to help pay for it however with the help of Nith and Starks and a generous donation from our allies in America the Q5 hospital was delivered and I was delighted to see that happen. This month there is an attempt to reduce the wages of people in state companies but I believe this is a step to far and I am doing all I can to ensure the new citizens of this country are paid a fair wage. I always try to do my best and I think that’s why people have voted for me. I have made mistakes, everyone has but in the overall scheme of things I think I have had a positive influence on eireland.

6. Why are you Newspaper Greed News so quite?

There are a lot better writers of articles out there than me so I leave it to them. Although it’s probably an aspect of my game play I should try and improve on. There are some excellent writers out there like Patton, DT and a nice bit of poetry from Kit never goes a miss.

7. How much does Transcendent Arms pay you and are you happy with it??

Transcendent Arms are a great employer. I know the owners and they look after their employees. They offer good wages and also have a stock sharing scheme. So if they have jobs available make sure you jump at the chance to work for them.

8. What are your main concerns with eIreland and its Economy and Neutral Stats?

We have made a lot of progress over the last month and the economy is improving and a lot of credit has to go to Patton and the rest of the cabinet for all the hard work and long hours that were put in this month.

9. Do you think eIreland should stay a sleeping giant or start working towards becoming a dominate world power

I don’t think we are a sleeping giant and I would love to see us become a dominate world power but in reality it very unlikely to happen.

10. 325 friends how much of them did you acutely now before adding them

None. I did not bring any RL friends into this game yet. As a vet of this game I see my role as one where I help out new players of the game and I am always willing to answer any questions posed to me.

11. Do you like Patton and think he is a good President

Patton is a great efriend and I think over the last month he has proven to be one of the finest presidents this country has ever seen. I am delighted to see the voters agree and have given him a second term with an increased vote and I am honoured to have been asked to stay on as VP for another month.

12. Do you think Ireland Should join an Alliance or even start one

As a neutral nation it can be difficult to thread carefully as we are located right between two rival factions. I believe we should continue to develop relations with our neighbours and investigate the possibility of setting up a new alliance of neutral nations. This is currently being discussed before the dail and most people seem positive towards the idea of setting up some form of neural alliance.

13. Many People call you there hero how do you react to that?

I’m thinking of setting up a cult so that people can worship me. I have not worked out all the details yet but there will be ice cream involved in it somewhere 🙂

14. What are you mainly interested in Economic or Politics

I’m interested in all aspects of eireland. In RL I am more interested in socialising than either economics of politics.

15. What do you think about G-Irish

G-Irish is a great idea. I’m all for it. Well done DT for bringing this idea to the country. It is a much needed development and a valuable addition to the game.

16. And lastly let us know more about the man behind the avatar, where are you from, what do you like?

Gordongekko is a character from the film Wall Street. It was a great film in its day. As for me I’m a Galway man born and bred. Ladies I am single in elife and recently became single in RL as well. I am an armchair sports fan and am involved with Galway United in my spare time for my sins. We had a great win Friday night against Bray and hopefully will stay up again this year. I could go on but I will leave it at that for now.