Interview with Dycey Farley from TCO

Day 927, 05:18 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

Today we have an interview with The head of The Crimson Order, Dycey Farley Just some info on the TCO:

The Crimson Order is comprised of three regiments: The Crimson Canucks, The Crimson Guard and The Crimson Devils.
This is a global paramilitary force with political ties. It welcomes players of all ranks and skills, providing them training, opportunities to rank up by fighting frequently, and weapons supplies. Members are asked to work in TCO-owned companies and to participate in training, warring and mayhem.
From Their Wiki Article

Dycey Farley

Tpex: Ok shall we begin, So The Crimson Order why was it started?

Dycey Farley: We were originally called Bruck's Canucks, eCanada was wiped off the map during WWIII and the national military's funds were pretty well dried up.

Tpex: So where did the funds for then Bruck's Canucks come from?

Dycey Farley: A group of soldier friends decided to start a militia so they could be self-funded, decide where they'd fight and start winning back Canada's regions.

Tpex: So this was a citizen funded initiative?

Dycey Farley: Bruck's Canucks was self funded. The original members donated their savings and bought companies, then worked for minimal wages in exchange for weapons. That allowed the militia to grow financially.
That's still how we manage, though eCanada is kind enough to help us with some funding for the Crimson Canucks.

Tpex: Ah very noble, and why did this work as opposed to the eCanadian Army?

Dycey Farley: I think its passion, to be honest. Our guys come from all walks of life and have a variety of game interests, but we share a deep love of the war module and a desire to excel at it.
We form a family and work as one with a single goal in min😛 victory on the battlefield.
When your goal is clear, sacrifice comes easily.

Tpex: I see, now TCOs lust for battle is well known, how do your morals fit into this?

Dycey Farley: We hit hard on the battlefield. We use our weapons, our savings and the personal cash of our members. We believe in game mechanics and use them to the best of our ability in our strategies. And we can be pretty rowdy on IRC and the forum ... but we don't exploit the game as some less moral players do.

Tpex: And in relation to alliances?

Dycey Farley: We're dedicated to EDEN and Bros. We work with our host countries to keep them safe. And we enjoy working with other militaries and militias when we can.

Tpex: Fair enough, now what would you say sets you apart from other Paramilitary groups

Dycey Farley: I haven't had direct dealings with a lot of Paramilitaries. I was a member of Seal Team 7 and enjoyed it immensely. I think the level of activity of our members, their love of TCO and dedication to make it great and our constant work to make ourselves better and stronger makes us unique.
Unlike many militias, we don't have a minimum skill requirement. We welcome young players. That's why we created our Academy - to help them understand the game quickly. We also work with them to rank up through training and fighting so they'll be the strongest soldier they can be. I think that sets us apart as well.

Tpex: ok thats quite a good trait so you do it for the love? You’re definitely not mercenary?

Dycey Farley: We never sit on our laurels. Instead we're always working to make ourselves and our contributions better. But We accept money - don’t get me wrong!

Tpex: But its not your goal? Just a bonus? 😉

Dycey Farley: When we're paid to fight we're able to tank more and make a stronger impact. We were recently hired for a fight and did 75K in damage - we loved it!
We love to fight ... we'll do it every chance we get. But we also love being able to do a great deal of damage and need financial help in order to do that. So, yeah ... getting paid is a goal. But it's not our only goal. Fighting for our allies and keeping them safe is our first goal.

Tpex: awesome, now how is the order in TCO? Is it a strict military atmosphere?

Dycey Farley: We're very much like a family. Yes, there's a structure of command, but our people are pretty irreverent and give each other a lot of sass. We like to rib each other quite a bit, but if a commanding officer gives an order, it gets followed.

Tpex: now tell me, why are there no woman (that I have seen) in the TCO?

Dycey Farley: You're talking to one 😛

Tpex: what... ah that explains a lot

Dycey Farley: I'm Crimson Commander and I'm a woman. Also, our Chief Morale Officer, Mellyora Drake is a woman.

Dycey Farley: What does that explain? LOL

Tpex: All the Pink, I mean Red 😛, ok cool, so definitely no gender discrimination

Dycey Farley: No. I'd love to have more women - I think we have 4 right now and 3 are in leadership. I'd like to add more to the ranks.

Tpex: So what made you expand out of eCanada?

Dycey Farley: Bruck was living in Australia and started talking to some of the leaders there. The Crimson Canucks were large enough in number to be difficult to supply so we'd been looking at ways to break up the number to be more manageable. Bruck started talking to some leaders in Australia and brought the idea onto forums where the guys were very excited to go for it.

Tpex: so it was a natural growth of the Order?

Dycey Farley: Yeah, we had 6 Legions in the Canucks at the time - 60 guys is very difficult for a supply sergeant to manage. We were getting recruits like crazy so tried splitting the Canadian forces in half. Then we moved to eAustralia. We've found some of our best members there. We have a lot of love for our Australian brothers.

Tpex: yes the Ozzies are lovable, and how you finding eSA?

Dycey Farley: South Africa got many of our best people. We've been treated so well and shown such a welcome that I've watched our members really grow there. It's exciting to see. Our relationship with mulderpf has provided avenues of service in government and as blockers and we're hoping to see that involvement thrive as we move forward.
And we've gained quite a few South African recruits, all of whom are dedicated, fun and fearless. They're great additions to TCO.

Tpex: thats a saffer for you 🙂

Tpex: great I think it has been a great experience for eSA! Ok I'm out of questions, anything you would like to say that I haven’t asked?

Dycey Farley: One of our goals is to work very closely with SAAF - we'd love to have an exchange program so our members get to know how each other works. I hope that bridge can be built in the days to come.
Other than that, we thank the South African players for making us feel welcome and for going along with our silliness as well as giving us the opportunity to fight for them.
That's it. Thanks so much for this

Tpex: I think I speak for eSA when I say thank you for TCOs help and enthusiasm 🙂
and thank your for your time

Dycey Farley: 🙂 Thanks. I appreciate your time as well.

Tpex - Minister of Information