Interview with David Forde- Presidental Canidate

Day 1,173, 00:30 Published in India USA by India101

I was lucky enough to interview David Forde. Every single Indian citizen should read this as this person may be your next president.

Interview with David Forde

What do you plan to MOST focus on on your term? [Politics, Economics, Foreign Affairs, Military]
For me there are many things that need to be focused on.....
-         Restructure the Indian Government so that future transitions will be much smoother and Government handovers at the end of each term will not lead to wholesale changes and loss of Government assets.
-         Communication from the Government to Citizen and vice versa is something that has been missing for a long time in India and I hope to change that in the coming weeks, without communication a Country can not be efficient.
-         Establish Military communes so the Indian Army is a self funded fighting force which can defend our regions by building huge stockpiles of Q5 Weapons and Gold reserves without crippling our Countries finances.
-         We must better develop our new citizen retention programs so that all our new players are better educated and aided so that they stay in the game and help build the Country grow, the new players of today are the Government officials of the future!
What qualifies you as President?
I have played the game as an Indian Citizen for over two years and in that time I have held every position in the Indian Government including that of Indian President and feel that my overall knowledge, commitment and loyalty to India is second to none.
I am currently ranked the number one Indian Citizen in game experience with over 12,225 XP and I am the second strongest soldier in the Indian Army behind my good friend hs1975.
I also believe I have the support of both the newer players and also the older players in India as they know that my commitment and work ethic will ensure we progress and not go backwards and that I always have time to listen to everyone and speak to them on a 1 to 1 basis regardless if they have played for 1 day or 1 year.
Do you think that our military is strong enough?
I do not think our current military is strong enough however I do feel that our military potential is much better than most people realise.
If we can get the soldiers of India united we have what is no doubt in my mind an army which will be able to defend our land without the need for others to come to our aid.
How can Indian Citizens help their country?
This is simple.....
Become active, use our National Forum and IRC room, read the Government newspapers and follow the army orders, much of this can take only 20-30 minutes a day but the results of doing this will be incredible for our Country.

Which Alliance do YOU MOST SUPPORT?
Out of the current alliances my allegiance is and has always been towards Eden as they have always defended us whilst others have always attacked us but long term I dream of seeing an Asian Alliance formed but think this is a long way from happening but who knows what tomorrow brings!

Will there be a change in Indian foreign Affairs? [Such as Neutrality, Hostility, or Allies]
I am a firm believer that India should become a Country that can defend itself and not have to depend on others to keep us safe and my personal thoughts are that those who treat us with respect should be respected back and those who wish to attack us will be treated as an enemy.
I should stress though that what I believe personally and what I think are best for India maybe contradict each other slightly and this is why we will have an incredible team of diplomats this term working closely with all foreign countries to forge stronger relations.

Who will be your Vice President?
At this stage I can not disclose this information if OK.

Which Historical Figure do you mostly admire? [In real life]
To be honest I don’t really have anyone in mind, I admire normal people who help others for no self gain or interest, and these are the greatest kind of people in my eyes and have my greatest admiration. 

Is there anything you would like to say to your opponents?
It would appear that I am the only candidate as only Kansarasumit the India United Party President has nominated an official candidate.

Is there anything you would like to say to the Indian people?
Trust, support and follow me and I will lead you on an amazing Journey, Jai Hind!