Interview with Darragh

Day 689, 14:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish

I would just like to thank Darragh and to tell every one PM him and apply to be an ambassador


1. So Darragh how did you find eRepublik

Hmmm, I don't actually remember how I found erep, I think it was through some random goggling as opposed to seeing adverts like other people mention, of course, it could well be, I know there are erep ads on which I have's all a mystery!

2. What made you continue to play the game?

Was lucky in that I made the transition to the forums, IRC and wiki quite quickly after arriving in the game, so the period in which I was 2-clicking and reading the news wasn’t very long. Basically, it was the people that kept me in the game, and, of course, the people that make me want to leave the game at different times.

3. Why pick eIreland

It was a natural decision, I live in Ireland in RL, and so it was a natural reflex to click Ireland.

4. What were you first few days like?

Rather fun really, I remember I was really busy when I signed up first in RL so I spent about an hour or so each evening reading the wiki and getting to grips with the whole thing before launching into the scene.

5. Who were your idols or Mentors?

Hmmm,well, Niall-H was the first person to ever speak to me on the game, I have tremendous respect for lots of people really and I think they have all been a tremendous help along the way - Theus, Top Gun, Ian, Uaithne, Kolshire, Nogin, Digits, Tarazis and loads more. Politically, I was always very impressed with Starks (before his presidency).

6. What drove you into politics?

Well, I always considered it something obvious for me to do, I am not at all financially gifted so I didn’t want to, and still don’t, run a business, I amn't all that good at writing, so journalism was never really considered either. I have a strong interest in politics in real life, and that probably helped, and of course erep is modelled around the political system anyway so it's the best way to get to the centre of things.
7. What was your first congress run like?

Relatively quiet, and back in June, I was delighted to get 3 votes in the rather vote-sparse Shannon, coming joint 2nd, behind a guy that got banned for multi-ing a few days later. I had wanted to run earlier but Code Petrescu had limited the party's congress people and I hadn't wanted to upset things as a Noob. I was also Minister for Education at the time, so it was a pretty quiet affair.

8. What is it like being MoFa?

Overall, fun. I have worked in the area for the past three months before being given the privilege of serving as Co-Minister with Tarazis Sati. Speaking to people from Presidents down to citizens from nearly every nation in the eWorld, in a variety of languages, is an experience in itself and I have learned so much, and made so many connections through my work it's amazing. I enjoy reading articles and comments from around the world as well, keeping up to date on events around the place certainly isn't easy, and the job does require vast amounts of time, but I am supremely happy that I am in it, and that I was equipped with the necessary skills by Vyse for two previous terms. Organising ambassadors has been hectic, but the banter with the applicants and finding a nation to fit everyone, and still have a covering over most of the e-world has been a tremendous challenge, but something I have enjoyed.

9. What is the best eIrish newspaper: D

>_< We really do have several, Donovan, don.squire, Kit, yourself, so much media talent!! We certainly are spoiled for choice!

10. Did you like the outcome from the last elections?

Yes, it was Patton for me on the 5th. I had extreme reservations with him the month before, but his term turned them all on their heads. He is certainly the most, active, involved and informative president I can remember and I think we have all grown to love, and expect his daily updates. The other two candidates were also very promising, but Patton had it for me.

11. What do you think of eIrelands current state?

Quite good and getting better. We are extremely lucky to have a group of active, committed Ministers on this cabinet, and some on the last, that have turned around, or are turning around their areas. Defence and FA are, as the President has mentioned the weak-points at the moment but DT and his team are doing a wonderful job on that front, and hopefully we are making some headway here. Financially, Digits, Appleman, Dubthaigh, how could we not be destined for success? All other departments are manned by exceptional people and I really think considerable headway will be made this month.

12. Lastly would you like to say anything else?

Yes, apply to be an ambassador, subscribe to this newspaper, and eat your greens.
Thank you very much for the interview 😁