Interview with Congressman John Jay

Day 1,326, 22:27 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

I have gotten responses to the questions I sent one of this nation's most senior Congressional officials, and he has proven this by being elected 9 times. The interview below is unedited, and was replied to via the in-game message system, as all my interviews are done. I also have another one by another member of Congress, and I will post that one at a later time.

1. Do you feel confident about the American recovery effort, and how the leadership is handling it?

I feel that the eAmerican recovery is adequate for what we are up against. I know a lot of people look at these battlefields and wonder if we can ever win. We aren't matching up against ONE well at all, so tbh our strategy has turned more into pure survival techniques. We have allies as well as our own country occupied across the globe.
I think the current leadership of the eUS needs to keep doing what it is doing. In all honesty I think this is mostly EDEN and Terra's fault for lack of coordination and faulty strategy. It has gotten better recently, but still needs a hell of a lot of work.
I would most certainly call for the President to urge the alliances into much needed reforms, before everyone is wiped.

2. Do you have any ideas you plan to make laws, or try to, while in Congress.

Well, it has been a rather slow month in congress, so other than donations and the couple of bills being reviewed now, not much is happening. I would like to see a resolution to the JCS/Pfeiffer ordeal, because I think it is important for this country to be united under one flag. It won't be long until people realize that all this BS was caused by one person who wanted to destroy an institution because he didn't like it. I now Mr. Pfeiffer has his idea on how he likes this game to be played. Wielding your power and trying to screw other hard working players simply because you feel like it is wrong, on so many levels. I hope that a resolution to this long fight will mean better output from this country.
Other than that it is an all out war effort, and I for one want to fight on the battlefield, not the eUS forums in the congressional section. Don't get me wrong, I love being in congress...but the real fight right now is on the battlefield.

3. I see that you have been elected 9 times to Congress, do you consider yourself a people pleaser?

I do try to please people. It isn't always going to happen though. With the amount of different personalities in this game, it is easy to see where people would disagree, even hate people. I just try to strike a middle ground that everyone can work with. However, when it comes to the direction of this country, and what is important to it...I am a bulldog that won't take no for an answer. I'm not going to paint pretty pictures for you, urinate on your head and tell you its rain, etc. I'm going to give it to you straight and let my experience speak for itself.

4. The President says it will take 2 months to get back all lost regions during the wars, do you agree, and if not, how long do you think it will take?

I do agree. Think it might even take longer, depending on how long it takes ONE to either implode or give up the fight. If ONE keeps pressing like they are currently, I could easily see it taking more than 2 months to get our regions back. If Terra and EDEN get going, it could take less. It's a tossup at this point, but one thing is for sure...I'm not going to stop clicking "Fight" until we have all our regions back.

5. Any plans to try and run for a 10th term in Congress this month?

Yes. I will be running out of the American Military Party, and will shoot for Indiana again, if we have it. I would love to give it another shot and serve the eUS people again for a tenth term.
There is the interview with Mr. Jay that he was gladly able to complete. I am finally getting time to prepare this list of questions for our members of government and other places of power.