Interview with Congressman Andy Dufresne

Day 1,327, 20:57 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

This is the 4th interview I have done this week with a member of Congress, and next, I'll be doing a series on the PP's currenly serving and see their views on America. Hope you all read the last interview I did with Haliman, and I would like to also get the opinions of more people serving or who have served in politics.


1. Do you have any specific ideas you would like to try and make a reality during your term in Congress?

This is a difficult month for Congress, due to the loss of states I believe only 16 people were elected. The majority of proposals are donations and Natural Enemy declarations. Ideally I would like to see improved coordination between the militias and a resolution to the JCS affair.

2. Do you believe that the current leadership can lead the recovery effort in America after the wars?

Sure, the majority of the leadership generally stays the same each month. The key to recovery in my opinion is organization and mending fences with our allies.

3. The President says it will take 2 months to get all captured regions back, do you believe it will take that long, and if not, why not?

Two months sounds like a reasonable time frame. We're facing attacks from a number of different countries so it will be a difficult battle. Last time we were invaded we recovered. This time won't be any different.

4. How do you feel the American Military Party differs from every other political party in the eUS?

Never having really been involved in party politics it is difficult for me to say. The biggest difference is that the AMP is a group largely composed of military people who have become disillusioned with the alternative parties.

5. Do you have any plans to run for another term in Congress this month?

Yes, I plan on running in the upcoming elections.
There is another one of the interviews done, seems like a great period for this paper, as we have doubled the number of subscribers since starting this series of articles with leaders in America. Also, you can tune in here to the major coverage of the July 15 PP elections, and we'll even give you our projected winners if we get a chance. Please vote and subscribe, and tell people to give Meet the Press a chance to better their literary life.