Interview with ColinLantrip

Day 2,059, 03:43 Published in Serbia Chile by eDarkSoul
Hello eRepublicans
Couple of days ago i took an interview with ColinLantrip But in the last few days i have a lot of work. And I did not have time to post article

Wu-Tang : Hello ColinLantrip, i am Wu-Tang and my name is Vladimir ! Can you tell me your name and what do you like to do in your free time?

ColinLantrip : Well.. my name is Colin Lantrip.

ColinLantrip : Free time.. Idk, I don't have a lot. I work on the road so mostly I play on computer and read a little.

Wu-Tang : Do you have a friends from real life, that are playing eRepublik

ColinLantrip : I have made a few RL friends playing eRepublik. I've met maybe twenty players..

Wu-Tang : What do you think about Bulgarian players?

ColinLantrip : I like Bulgaria, have a couple of friends there. The women are beautiful! What more could I need?

Wu-Tang : Yes we have a lot of beautiful women's Nina Dobrev is one of them! 🙂

ColinLantrip : I don't know her.. care to introduce?

ColinLantrip : To be serious a minute.. we've had our ups and downs over the years, but I do like Bulgaria and I like CoT.

Wu-Tang : We also like our friendship with USA and the fact that they join CoT

Wu-Tang : Do you think that CoT have a chance to fight as equal against TWO. Or even taking the initiative and start overwhelming them?

ColinLantrip : I think it is time for a significant multi purge by the admins. People will say "both sides have them", and that is true but not in the same numbers and organization as a couple of TWO countries. Until that happens or TWO splits up there's really no chance of beating them consistantly. My opinion..

Colin Lantrip : I've stopped buying as much lately.. sitting on the cusp of "elite" for over a week now. It's the only way admins will listen or act. Money talks..

Wu-Tang : Yes we all see that the admins are not doing anything, but upgrading the graphic of the game. Even in the summit in Greece they didnt say anything about economy module 🙁

ColinLantrip : I think they mentioned it.. ) Short answer there, increase consumption and raise the price on companies. Maybe quit offering "sales" on company upgrades. Increased "consumption" would just add to the multi problem though. More fights for multis.

Wu-Tang : What is the situation in your country? We all know about the Serbian PTO over USA. What is the situation now?

ColinLantrip : The PTO is not even close to working but it has screwed up our domestic political situation and doesn't really allow for free and fun elections. It has damaged the community and run off more than a few good active players.

Wu-Tang : Do you think that TWO is going to collapse? And is there a way that Serbia and Poland will fight between each other?

ColinLantrip : I think their urge to keep their bonuses keeps them together. It must be getting boring though..

Wu-Tang : Long time ago EDEN(Bulgaria, Romania,Croatia and Bosnia&Herz) manage to delete Serbia and Poland. Did you think that these countries can be deleted again with the power of CoT?

ColinLantrip : As things currently are? Not a chance.

Wu-Tang : I have a question that a lot of old Bulgarian players would want to hear the answer.

Wu-Tang : Do you like to drink Rakia/Vodka with a Shopska salad ?

ColinLantrip : I like vodka and I like salad.. I will let you buy me one when I visit and we will see!

Wu-Tang : i will be glad! 🙂

Wu-Tang : If there is going to be a international meeting in Bulgaria will you come? Than i can buy you Vodka with salad.

ColinLantrip : Iliya invites me all the time. I would like to come and maybe I will make it someday soon.

Wu-Tang : u mean Iliya the Great ?

ColinLantrip : I do .

ColinLantrip : We are friends and he keeps begging me to marry his sister
Wu-Tang : windfall wants to know. Do you smoke weed?

ColinLantrip : I used to.. would if I still could but my job and drug testing don't allow for it.

ColinLantrip : Maybe when i retire.

Wu-Tang : Ok Colin, I am glad that you accepted my offer to make an Interview! Do you have something to say to the Bulgarian Community?

ColinLantrip : Glad to have you as allies!

Note* : ColinLantrip is 39 years old, white male. And he is Single! So girls hurry up!