Interview with Azra'eil!

Day 542, 15:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council
Interview with Azra'eil.

Azra'eil is a member of Forward Britain and is one of the 'oldest' members of the South West..

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I'll ask you some In-Game questions and some real life questions, so. Let's get on with it.

You're Azra'eil, the 'creator' of the council. Checking your profile, you've ran for Congress.. Why?
Because I believe in the eUK, and want to do all I can to make our nation truly great. I feel the best way to do that is by being a part of the government itself, and makes it much easier to make my voice heard. It also allows me to help advance the South West as much as possible!

You're the "Chairman" of the Council, what do you actually do for the Council/community?
Basically I make sure everyone is doing their jobs, following the rules and so on. It also involves ensuring the council is leading the region in the right direction!

Well, why should people want to become friends with you?
Because I'm awesome XD Seriously though, I'm friendly, active, and do what I can to help citizens.
Also I'm not a Communist 😛

Well, who do you get on with the most out of the other council members? Bearing in mind Shyguy said he basically has a crush on you 🙂
Well Shyguy is great! For a while it was pretty much just me and him after Richard York left (he was one of the best South Westerners I have ever had the pleasure to work with) So I would have to say Shyguy (even if he is a damn commie spammer!)

Are you running for Congress by any chance? Also, any Cabinet slots in mind?
I'm not running for congress this term, as I will have limited internet access for a while in a couple of weeks, and feel I would not be able to put enough time into the job, also it allows newer citizens a chance at getting a position!
I should be active enough by the time CP elections come around though so I will be running for a cabinet position.

What do you do on eRepublik most of the time? (Including the forums).
Work and Train obviously, then I read through every news article pretty much. After that it's onto the forums to look at the South West for anything new, check most other forum areas and have a look around for anything interesting, over to commons to vote etc, and then maybe a little spam! Also check up on the eUK F1 league (in which i'm currently 1st!)
So lots really!

Last but not least. Favourite vegetable? (Tomatoes aren't vegetables 8-])
Hmm tricky question... Especially as Pineapples are a fruit...
It would have to be Potatoes I think!

Thanks Azra'eil. You finally sent me your msn, lol. Next time I'll be talking to Rolfus_mercartor (if he's online and wants to. No promises guise).

-Luke Mitchell, Councillor of Media.
-Azra'eil, Chairman of the Council.