Interview with Annihilator10

Day 1,514, 11:06 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by zafthfirst

A Real Life Pakistani and a renown ePakistani who is known for his hardwork,sense of duty and valor.This guy proved himself in every ministry,every field,interior,foriegn, name it!
Now who would better explain this other than Annihilator10 himself.I'm honored to be joined by him for an interview where he shared his views and some of his secrets.

Aditional information about Annihilator10:

Commander Of Pakistan Army
Advisor Of Defence To National Security Concil
National rank : 5
7th strongest pakistani
10x congress member
Political affiliation😛RF

How would you like to introduce yourself in your own words ?
On my eBirthday article, the mighty kualkerr (late) said "Happy ebirthday! You are the dark horse of ePakistan.I see future you as the (near) future president. Slow n steady wins the keep it up!". I think that explains me 🙂

Would u like to tell us your real name and what do u do in real life?
My real name is A.Asif and i am a student of 2nd year (College)

Could you explain the origin of you erepublik name and what inspired it?
My erepublik name comes from the english word "Annihilate" which means "To destroy completely", "To reduce to nonexistence." or "Abolish".I love military/wars etc. So i thought this name suits my nature.I wanted to keep my name "Annihilator",but it was taken.So i chose to place my lucky number "10" after it.

How did you find this game and why do you to keep playing it?
I found out about erepublik from a friend whose erepublik name is "Sycron". I was about to leave this game when i started but stayed due to help of senior players. Now, i keep playing because i like the community. The people here are very helpful and as they are from all over the world, I learn alot of things through them. I also keep playing because i want Pakistan to become powerful and leaving the game will reduce the number of players and hence we will remain wiped forever.

What part of this game you like the most?
Would you believe it? Military! I know more than half of the people will disagree with me saying it just needs gold,money etc. etc. But i cant stop liking it. My nature is such that i love military and wars etc.

Highlight your Work as the as a government memeber.
I am currently working as Advisor Of Defence To National Security Concil,It is a different and amazing system of government developed by raao.My work comprises of advising and informing the NSC about the current situation of wars around the globe especially those which affect ePakistan directly or

which country do you prefer the most,except your homeland of course?
None. I just love ePakistan and that is the reason that in more than 440 days of eLife, i have never changed CS in search of extra bonuses etc. I have stayed in ePakistan when it was wiped and i never plan to go to another country.

Share one of your achievments in this game that you are most proud of.
I dont think i have achieved my goal yet. The achievement I will be proud of will be when i help to liberate ePakistan from enemy control.

What's your elife Plan.what do you plan to accomplish in near future?
I think the answer to this question is nearly the same as the previous one. My biggest aim is to liberate ePakistan and help keep its regions.

How would you briefly describe the ever changing eWorld situation?
The way i see it, some of the alliances will diminish and new alliances will be formed. Just like Phx was finished and ONE was formed. The eWorld situation is changing really quickly especially the current situation of Turkey and Bulgaria.

Have you ever actively participated in the epolitics and what is your opinion about it?
i joined this game for military but soon i got attracted to the politics too. I have participated and won in every congress election held in ePakistan since i joined. I have became a congress member for 10 times.
My Other political activites include:
ex-Ambassador To eUK
ex-Minster Of Interior and Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs
ex-Minister Of Foreign Affairs
ex-Party President Of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf for 4 Times In-A-Row
My opinion about ePakistan's politics is that its a great feeling to be a politician of your own country. The feeling you get when you get the chance to serve your country is unimaginable. Also, if your decisions and participation takes your country forward, the internal satisfaction is out of this world.

Do you have something to say to ePakistanis and the eWorld ?
The only message i would like to give is that we should make new friends and we should try not to lose the friends we already have (i hope you understand who i am pointing at). eRepublik is more of a community than a game. We should try to enjoy it as much as we can and shouldnt bring RL stuff into the game.

That's all,thanks for your time!
In the end, i thank you for taking my interview and also say sorry to anyone whom i have offended.Take Care and Good Luck 🙂

Thanks to Annihilator10 for his precious time.

aka Zaf