Interview With A Congressman, Starring Clark Gable of Missouri

Day 510, 09:42 Published in USA USA by LuckyNumber85

Coming at you live from the corner of 85th and Main, it's another edition of Missouri Route 85. This edition brings an exclusive interview with Missouri eCongressman, Clark Gable. The "King of Hollywood" is bringing his own brand of legislatin' and he pulls no punches. Read on as I give him the tough questions.

Here it is, your Day 510 Edition of Who, What, When, Where & How.

Who are you, in your own words?
*Clark Gable* Clark Gable: Man of the People, Warrior of God -- Senator Extraordinaire.

What are your goals in congress, for Missouri or the eUSA as a whole?
*CG* I originally wanted to get Missouri some better deals from Congress and help expand American influence abroad, but Congress is filled with a bunch of pansies and idiots; I'd have better luck getting my work done if I just banged my skull against a wall for a month. I wanted to get Missouri a Q2 Hospital so at least using the hospital would give us health benefits, but I can't be assed to cut through red tape with a bunch of people who think they're hot shit on a game made by gypsies. At least Pakistan was impulsive, while American Congressman are so stuck up their own asses that they just think everyone should listen to what they have to say and keep their proposals to themselves. It's ridiculous, and why I have to force myself to get on Congress forums and sort through all their dickery.

When did you realize that you frankly didn't give a damn about Scarlett O'Hara?
*CG* Now i ain't saying she a gold digga, but she ain't messin' wit no broke niggaz.

Where do you see yourself in 100 eDays?
*CG *In charge of the United States of Gable.

How do you keep your mustache so dapper?
*CG* From the sweat and blood of my toil.

*Bonus Question*
Why is Missouri one of the greatest states in the eUnion?
*CG* Because the people who live in Missouri and come to eMissouri carry the same common decency they do away from the keyboard. Except Kirkex. He's a prick.

Thank you, Senator Gable

Lucky's Parting Thoughts
It's clear eMissourians have someone in office who's not afraid to take names and march on DC to burn it down to get things done. And now a special request from me, LuckyNumber85. Do you have an interview you'd like to see? Would you like to be interviewed? We're not picky--journalistic standards are more of a suggestion than a guideline. So send me those comments, get me those interviews, in other words--do my job for me.

Thanks for reading another edition of Missouri Route 85. Remember, when stories break--we're there to pick up the pieces and hide them under the rug before mom gets home. Live from the corner of 85th & Main, this has been
