Interview with a common man

Day 1,606, 08:47 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Promissed, delivered! Today's interview with a common and ordinary man has arrived. And this man's name is Jacques Jones and he is also my friend.
Before I continue with the interview I would like to express my condolences to the families and friends of the 5 people that were found dead near Skopje, Macedonia. Four of them were around 20 years old and one was around 45. They were killed yesterday evening as the police says. R.I.P.

Now the interview:

1. Who introduced you to eRepublik and how did you feel about it when you first started?
Well, I first saw my brother playing this game on the computer, so I asked him what it was. He told me to join and see for myself. And my real life brother is my ebrother, monessenmoon. I thought it was so cool that once my first day was over, I couldn't wait for the next day. P.S. He's made +25 gold off of me seeing he invited me.

2. What module of this game you find the most interesting(Politics, Media, Military, Society...etc.) and why?
I find them all interesting, but when you look at media, I have 97 subscribers, and politics, it's the same there, 10% success rate, so it basically comes down to military and economy. Military is fun, but I have to say economics on eRepublik has been my thing since I started.

3. Why did you decided to create your citizen in Russia?
Well, again, it's because of my brother. To be honest, it's the stupidest thing I've ever done on eRepublik.

4. What is your attitude about the current situation in eRepublik overvall?
Everyone is so furious with how the economy is going. I agree with them. It's been much harder to sell goods and make good profits, and I am facing the same consequences. And gold is also much higher in price on the monetary market because it's global now. So I would say I'm frustrated with the problems in this game.

5. How did you win the Congress elections and how did you feel when you won?
To be honest, I don't know how I won. I guess I was just lucky. Seeing it was 1 of 10 attempts that I actually won. I was so happy to be in Congress. It wasn't just the gold(it was pretty nice though 😁, but it was the responsibility of being a Congressman.

6. What buildings do you have?
I have 1 q4, 1 q3, 2 q2, and 8 cattle farms all food. I have a little more, but it isn't important.

7. Please tell us about your first Battle Hero.
I put up 1.3 million for Slovakia after I put up 250k for Mexico and Czech Republic in attempts for Battle Heroes. I felt awesome when I got the award. And don't think I'm a traitor, because I'm not, I just wanted to get the award. P.S. I'm saving up a lot of influence to get a Campaign and possibly a Campaign sweep.

8. What are your future plans?
I don't plan on leaving. But I will not be online 2 straight days because of a trip, and they will be the first days I won't be online, ever 🙁
I do plan on focusing on my strength and rank since I make a decent income now, but I hope to invest wisely, which I have done so far in this game, in
everything that I do. I do plan on winning Congress again and I plan to become someone who others support and I support them, and give goods to help them(I'm basically talking about eisenmutter2).

I want to make a shout-out to MacLeod-l for achieving God of War ranks. Congrats!

That was all for today, expect another interview(probably tomorrow) with the serious businessman and CEO Cloyd Wallis of the Wallis Corp.

Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

B.M. Entertainment endorses:
|Chiefs Command|The American Herald|Eagle Republik|The Economic News|Revolutionary Times|
16 Shells
|Voice of America|Meet the Press|Kooguy's Fire|Falling Down|High Times|FAMOUS|Blasted|

Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
