Internet Slang Words and Computer Slang!

Day 1,165, 03:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by mittekemuis

For all the internet dummies out there.

Internet Slang Words and Computer Slang!

This article should be useful for all the people that didn’t grow up with Modern Internet Jargon and Abbreviations.

To begin with, I will give you a list with in game Abbreviations.

The Basis of this list is a glossary previous written by
shadowucks. (

ATO - Anti Take Over
2IC - Second in Command
AWOL - Absent Without Leave/Away
BE/eBE - eBelgium
BEF - Belgium Frank
BNB - Belgian National Bank
CO - Commanding Officer/general
CP - Country President
DoW - declaration of war
EDEN - Erepublik Defence & Economy Network (aka "The Brotherhood) (major military alliance ingame)
FM - Field Marshal
G - Gold
H5 - High 5
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
MM - Monetary Market (depending in which context in which it's used)
MM - Media Mogul (depending in which context in which it's used)
MoD - Ministry/Minister of Defence
MoF - Ministry/Minister of Finance
MoFA - Ministry/Minister of foreign affairs
MoHA - Ministry/Minister of Home Affairs
MoT - Ministry/Minister of Trade
MP -Member of Parliament/congressman
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact
MT - Moving Ticket
NAP - Non Aggression Pact
NWO - New World Order
PANAM - USA, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and new countries can be added …
Phoenix - Major alliance ingame
PM - Private Message
PP - Party President
PTO - Political Take Over
PvP - Player verses Player
UNL - United Netherlands
RL - Real Live
RW - Resistance War
TW - Training War
V&S - Vote and Subscribe
WP - Wellness Pack

Feel free to add to the list if I forgot any.

The next list is more and all round list of the most used Internet Slang Words and Computer Slang

AFAIK As Far as I Know
BBIAB - Be Back in a Bit
BFN - bye for now
BTW - by the way
BRB - be right back
BTHOM - Beats the Hell Out of Me
BFF Best friends, forever!
CWYL - Chat With You Later
cba - can't be arsed/can't be bothered
CYA - see ya
F2F - Face to Face
Fggt - I disagree with your post and/or lifestyle choices
GTFO - Please leave
GTG - Got To Go
H&K - Hugs and Kisses
imo - In my opinion
inb4 - In before [an event]
lmao - Laugh my arse off
lol - Laugh out loud (also use😛 "lulz")
MTFBWY - May the Force Be With You
JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion
NVM - Never Mind
O RLY - Oh, Really (sarcasm)
RTFM - Read The F* Manual
ROFLMAO - Roll On Floor Laughing My A** Off
TL😉R - Too Long Didn't Read
TTYL - Talk To You Later
WTF - I don't quite get your point
QFT - quoted for truth (a compliment to another person on the forum)

So folks as you can imagine this list is not complete. It would take several pages to do that.