INTERMISSION: Fionia's Contest Submission

Day 1,512, 12:09 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


Greetings and Salutations, Friends:

A good friend of mine, Fionia; is running another writing contest for all to enjoy!!!

I've decided to toss my hat into this...

If you could add any one feature to the game, what would it be?

I have debated in my head the many things that would make this game more enjoyable. From better controls of political parties to actual Vice Presidents and actual departments in the government...

But to be honest, I would like to see something that better ties everything we have together... an updated Profile Wall.

Here me out...

In the olden days when SHOUTS superseded POSTS, you were able to see the SHOUTS on the profile page. This helped many people direct people to their shouts (back when we ran out of them), and provided an awesome place to leave notes, instructions, help, etc.

In today's POST-shout world, there is no way to keep up with a person's POSTS. However, implementation of a new facebook-styled wall would allow us to see someone's POST history.

Recently on NPR, there was talk about the media module and the reason sit is dead. Someone commented that the implementation of the unlimited Post system has hurt the media module more than anything else. Because posts are no longer saved on a profile page, there is no way to check a history.

And, of course, the new wall can have all the info we currently get on a profile: rank, strength, medals, etc.

But it can also provide a history of our shouts posts, and help the media module before it is entirely dead.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

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