Insight into Spain's performance

Day 7, 00:00 Published in France France by alexis bonte

Big change in the world order yesterday, Spain has come back from behind (6th place then 2nd place) to overtake Romania as the new world superpower!|||Spain's performance has been really impressive in the past few days, its citizens have started to organize themselves very well making sure they have a sound economy with penty of food a vibrand media and collaborating with each other very well. Most Spanish companies have more than 10 employees. and therefore have high levels of production and worker absenteism is very low.

Only downside in Spain (from my viewpoint) is that there only one political party at the moment making it look a little like a chinese one party regime. Apparently some citizens are trying to change that, I'm really curious to see if that will slow them down or have the opposite effect.

On the other hand Romania a suffered a little bit because some of their users were banned for breaking the rules (something I have no part in, it is the admin who is in charge of making sure rules are applied).

Other good news is that several countries now have funcioning economies so after a little under 6 days everything is still wide open.

Ps: You can now see local news from the homepage, hope you like this change.