Inside the Widds Government: The big 4.

Day 947, 04:26 Published in Australia Australia by discrate1
This was also posted here in response to widds article on the forums firing me from my position.

Hmm it shouldn't have come to this, i should of resigned when Infin did.

Here is my response to Widds statement.

The current government is run by a gang of 4 people. They will do anything to deny it and they will try to write me off as some raving lunatic noob that is out for attention and to cause trouble. In my reply i will give you an insight into the current government and will also respond to some of what widds has said.

The current government is basically run by a gang of 4 people. (3 now as timeoin is away) All important decisions are made by these 3/4 people and the rest of the cabinet is left in darkness.

When ever another cabinet minister asks to be included in decision making or discussions on issues they are swiftly told "Why? It's none of your businesses, it's not part of your role blah blah blah"

Last time i checked the cabinet is in charge of governing the country, ANYTHING that affects the cabinet governing should be brought to light to the cabinet members. This is how it is done in real life.

It was exposed that kevin rudd was running his cabinet the same way, a gang of 4. The cabinet members were given little consultation on anything outside of their portfolios and then when things went wrong, all the blame was put on them.

In the Ausrep cabinet there was blunder after blunder after blunder. The first one was the issue with widds giving away 1800 gold because he felt like it without any cabinet, senate or minister of finance consultation WHATSOEVER. This is illegal.

Widds thought it was a good idea to give away this gold and did so straight away. He spent outside of the budget and didn't even consult venja MoF. This lead to the resignation of infin who quit in disgust of the actions of widds. What does widds and his little gang of 3/4 do then? Slander the absolute SHIT out of him. "OMG ANP VS AMP, IT'S ALL TO DO WITH THE PARTIES, HES JUST TRYING TO SCORE PARTY POINTS"

I like to call these things a "blow off" In widds OP in this thread he implys that i am fired because i'm some sort of incapable raving noob, thats my "blow off" infins was "oh your just trying to score political party points"

They will come up with anything to cover the real truth behind what happened.

The next issue was the leaking of the NSA forum. Binda33, the minister of industry found the leak and when asked to inform the cabinet of who it was, declined. Her explanation for declining to tell was "You don't need to know, it's been dealt with"

She didn't even tell Larni, who is incharge of national security. Who DID she tell? You guessed it, the big 3/4

This was the last straw for me and pushed me over the edge. It frustrates the hell out of me that they utterly refuse to include anyone else in anything important.


But when a cabinet minister is actively working to undermine the government and are making, quite frankly claims that must be fuelled by drugs or booze, about a 4 person leadership, one of whom isn't even in cabinet and has been away all month, they've overstepped the line.

This is pretty petty. You try to slander me but utterly fail. I have not tried to undermine the government whatsoever. The government has been undermined by the big 3/4 who won't let the cabinet govern.

Therefore, because of his inability to work with other people and his insatiable desire to be involved in everything and to be the centre of attention at all times, I have fired Discrate1. I would warn all future CPs about having him in your cabinet, he's a train wreck waiting to happen.

I liked this slander, it's almost laughable. You claim i have an inability to work with people, this is not true. Infact i got along with EVERYONE.
Also i did have a desire to be involved in everything, I AM APART OF THE CABINET. This proves further that you don't understand the concept of the cabinet working together to govern the country.

Even though widds has slandered me in his statement, i won't result to petty crap like that, infact i want to thank and congratulate widds on accepting me into his cabinet and also on his first 2 weeks as leader of our country. He started off very well and had some great ideas, but as kevin rudd did, widds lost his way towards the end.
