Inside Politics - Xavier Darkmyre

Day 677, 01:47 Published in Australia Australia by Brenflakes

Welcome to the first issue of Inside Politics. Each week we will be sitting down with a prominent political figure, and talking about the issues affecting all australians. Inside Politics aims to be a fresh, un-biased view of the things that matter.

For our first issue, we sat down with the newly elected senator Xavier Darkmyre, we talked about his recent election win, Operation Twofold bay, and his experience with the senate school.

Brenflakes: So Xavier Darkmyre, welcome to inside politics, first off we'll start by saying congratulations on your success in NSW, as a first term senator you would have to be pretty happy with the results
Xavier Darkmyre: Yes definately, it was a pretty suprising result actually, considering some of the people I was running against.

Brenflakes: What do you think were the main reasons for your runaway success?
XD: Well I think there were a few factors, certainly my work on the hospital company over the last month would've helped, ADSP also has a strong following in NSW so our candidates were always going to field a good portion of votes.

Brenflakes: The work you did with the hospital company to get eAus an extra hospital up and running was pretty impressive, what do you see happening with that now that QLD has a hospital, and we have a hospital in reserve?
XD: Well ultimately I hope we can place it in SA, bordering every state its one of our most strategically important regions, and its defence would definately be better with a hospital and the population increase it'd bring. That being said I think with the Twofold Bay issue and the possibility of war, it may be best to hold it in reserve for the time being until things have cooled down one way or the other

Brenflakes: Twofold Bay and WA played a massive part in the elections this time around, do you see the new senate moving on this issue quickly?
XD: Well, I dont think its an issue that can afford to be dragged out, no matter what your stance on the matter is. There's certainly a lot of people arguing both for and against the concept, and as the Senate is elected to represent the people, its something we'll have to discuss. I dont see it being something that is immediately resolved however, especially with another election just around the corner for Prime Minister. I definately think both senate and cabinet will need to discuss the issue once the new PM takes office though, perhaps even put it to a referendum to get the full voice of the people.

Brenflakes: What stance on the issue will you be bringing to the senate?
XD: Well, personally I was initially for the idea, however it does of course bring about the danger of war. I'm not certain our army currently has the strength to take on eIndonesia over WA, however fighting to liberate occupied regions would help develop their strength. Personally, I am opposed to any nation occupying the home region of another country, as every country deserves the right to its own sovereign rule. I think we should definately consider helping to liberate occupied regions in the Asia-Pacific region, perhaps as a joint effort with our own alliance, SOL.

Brenflakes: Sol have been a big part of eAus' development recently, with our participation in the war games. Quite a few candidates this term had suggested we consider an alliance with EDEN, which alliance do you think would make our country stronger?
XD: Well, I think Sol still has a lot of room to grow, and as eAus grows hopefully we can foster some of that growth in our regional allies as well. I think if we were to form a full alliance with EDEN, we would lose our position of neutrality and be at higher risk of attack from PEACE. However, I think that working with EDEN on issues that we agree on could be benefitial, again not just for us but for Sol as well

Brenflakes: What are your thoughts on australia's future on the eglobal scale?
XD: I'd like to see Australia establish itself as a sort of "global adjudicator" of sorts. Particularly if we can retain neutrality in the PEACE/F&E conflict, we could look finding diplomatic solutions for conflicts. For example in the recent Theocrat liberation of eSK, we sent troops to Japan as our Sol allies, without giving much consideration to a more peaceful resolution. We could've perhaps instead negotiated an agreement between eJapan and the Theocratic eSK, which would've averted current tensions between eJapan and Sol with eSK's entrance to our wargames. I also think we have the strength and experience to lead Sol to bigger and better things, hopefully helping it to break free of its image as a subsidiary of PEACE

Brenflakes: So stepping back from foreign affairs, here at home recently the Senate School started up, which you are a recent graduate of, what experiences did you gain from participating in this, and would you reccomend it to would-be senators?
XD: I gained a lot of experience which I believe also helped me in securing a seat on the Senate. I gained a much better understanding of how the senate works, of what work goes into preparing a proposal for the Senate, and what is expected of a Senator. I'd recomend Senate School not only to would-be Senators but anyone who is interested in the politics of our country, as it provides some very good insight into how it all comes together.

Brenflakes: Speaking of proposals, anything in the works at the moment we can get a sneak peak on?
XD: Well, I do have a few ideas I'm currently discussing within the party room. As you know we not too long ago had a scandal involving missing gold from the treasury, and while so far we've not had to sell the hospital, I'd like to find a way to ensure we don't have to consider that as a possibility. So right now we're looking at possible ways to help the country recover from the gold scandal, and hope to have a proposal before the Senate in the next few days. I'm also reviewing some of the past acts, as I believe previous Senates have placed a little too much red tape around the cabinet, which serves the country no benefit and in some cases may put it at risk.

Brenflakes: What other things do you hope you can bring to the senate over the next month?
XD: Well with it being my first term, I'm not going to be too ambitious with proposals. I will however be closely scrutinising every proposal brought before the senate during my term, and ensuring that it is in the best interests of as many eAustralians as possible.

Brenflakes: Of course running for the senate isnt the only way to get involved , cabinet positions also exist, but a lot of people dont know what it is exactly that the cabinet does, as deputy minister for industry, what kind of things did you do?
XD: Well mostly ensuring our government-funded companies are kept running, with a focus on the hospital. While we're not continuing the temporary work plan to avoid stressing the construction industry, we're still working steadily towards another Q5 hospital, hopefully destined for the NT.

Brenflakes: Where would you like your ePolitics career to take you in the future?
XD: Well, I'm hopeful with some more experience under my belt, I could one day lead the country as Prime Minister, possibly even breaking the trend of only remaining in one term, and running successfully for several terms as happens in more mature countries like eChina.

Brenflakes: and finally, what advice would you give for someone wanting to get more involved with the country?
XD: Well the first step is definately to get onto the forums,, as thats where most discussion takes place. Also to drop into #ausrep on irc and get to know some of your fellow eAussies, and if you're interested in a government position - senate or cabinet - sign up for the next round of Senate School.

Brenflakes: thanks very much for your time Xavier, and best of luck with your first senate term
XD: Thankyou, and thanks for the opportunity to be interviewed, I look forward to reading your future interviews.

So, where will the next month of politics take us? Stay tuned to Inside Politics.

Inside Politics will be approaching various members of the government over the coming days, The next issue will be released next weekend.

Until next time, do you know what your government is up to? Get involved! Visit the eAus forums, or IRC today!

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