Insanity, "How life PWNE'D You"

Day 616, 17:02 Published in Japan Japan by Ciacho

Hello. Im in the realy good mood, so i'm writing Article!

This article will propably make you laugh, but it makes me cry... a little bit. I'd like to show you how Life PWNE'D Me today.

Ok, here's the story. Great battle for Kyushu have started... Noone was fighting, so BH medal was "free". Ciacho (Aka' Kukki) started to fight. Everything was ok for 20 minutes... THen epic battle with Jafarin for medal began. Started from 444 Damage, then to 600, 800... Finaly damage 1444, can't see my oponent fighting... Finaly he got bored and left that shiny gold thing to me. 20 gold have been spent. I was chill, everything was alright, awesomeely etc...
And here goes first screen:

(Ok, i can't fix images and i don't know why there are so blurry... I BET AKKI TRIES TO PISS ME MORE! On this screen there is 41 GOLD)

Ahh, It was easy. Then, suddenly after 1 hour and 30 minutes Akki apeared. He took MINE medal. Bit i didn't gave up. Used some more money. Another battle for medal. From 1600 to 2000. Finaly after many begs, and whines on IRC i thought he gave up like Jafarin... After 15 minutes of silence suddenly... He started doing it again.
Second screen:

(Here is 4 Gold)

Here's your hint. Look at the first screen. Look at gold. Ok, now do the same with second screen. That what happens when something drives you insane. I wanted that Medal as much as Golum wanted his precious and... We both failed... Now Kukki, the God of Cookies and everything that is Cookienish is realy, realy PISSED. When God of Cookies is pissed his little pet Miggi is also pissed... And when Miggy is pissed PEOPLE DIE! ( Uses Nuke Button) Naah... That's my dream. Anyway... As a God of Cookies and everything that is Cookienish i AM SAYING THAT THERE WILL BE NO MORE COOKIES FOR AKKI! And ALL of YOU!


-If you realy want something and there is opportunity to get it... Forget it. Someone will brutally take it from you.
-When Miggi is pissed People DIE!
-I'm insane
-I'm not so childish as this article shows
-I''m also being PWNE'D by Life pretty often

Ok, he got that medal with damage that outnumbered mine by 86... I'm not talking with him anymore.
Ok, now after i wrote that article im chill... Not pissed anymore... But i wont take curse from you... Not NOW!