Information; Sons of Dacia; Message for Grease

Day 1,080, 10:53 Published in South Korea USA by Wladimir Rascian

Hello Koreans,

I have some sad news for you, my brothers in the Sun..

It seems that the Sun King has decided to take the life of our silliest once-Korean.

Carlos Bianchi, guy who irritated us for so long (by doing so he unwillingly boosted our activity for months) is on deathbed.

I cannot avoid the feeling that his moving to Romania, somehow, by odd paths of destiny, triggered events that are now important for the future of Korea.

Let us pray to the Sun King for this jolly sinner, for this is sure a sign of things which might happen if we let our life become simmilar to that in Carpathian gorges, and Wallachian plains.


I have been to Bucharest and TImisoara several times. I love Romania IRL, I really do. And I have always thought Romanians are good and honest people. I still do.
But eRomanians here are bound to their e-country to the point that even eSerbs can envy them. This is not good for the game, because their wast population could fill the gaps within population-lack of ecountries which rl population is not fond of this game.

Until Bogdan Sabo, whom I consider to be the leader of Romanians in Korea, writes a promise in his newspapers, that his friends here won't PTO Korea, I will doubt their every move.

I am sure they would do the same if a couple of thousand of Koreans went to eRomania, so I hope there are no hard feelings. ; )


Grease, my friend, you had my support all this time, since I saw your first article in our media.
This time I will vote for Sirius, not because I have problems with you personally, but because I really fear your allies might hurt our nation.

I know you love this country, but you must know that we ('elite' as Colopyaur called us) love it too. We all invested our time, knowledge and gold here. This is our only home, and you and all your rl Koreans are our brothers, since we all share the same motherland.

So I really hope we will stay friends, even when all this comes to its natural end.
: )

We are the SUNs Rays!