Inertia and Wine + Fascism today [Repost]

Day 979, 12:58 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Theneka

Old article Repost, on request of AndreasIsakson.
My apologies towards the people of the eUNL that were offended by this repost. There is nor was any special meaning behind this repost, nor have these articles been updated or changed.

Inertia & Wine

Inertia, the latin word used by Newton in his laws about force. The word means slowness, a certan unwillingness to change. The biggest party in our country can take pride of it, they are not changing, not renewing, not redirecting. Nor is their gouvernement. With reason? Perhaps, if that's what they stand for. Wine, talks and laughter. We all like that, right? Or at least most of us like it, for a short period, once a month. Not all the time, not each time when a decision has to be made. Then it's just painfull, annoying and stressing. And that's exactly what we are witnessing today. We have a gouvernement with lots of talk talks, lots of debate, but NO content, no changes, no promiced improvements.

A: But the people has spoken! It was the will of the people that this would happen! They have recieved the most votes, and thus are allowed to form a gouvernement!
B: But they did not deserve to win! They are a minor party, if we look at the stats...
A: The stats? Those mean nothing, we have great active members, and we might be less in number, but we are not less in votes.
B: Hm. Tactical voting and redrawing members from belgium are realy to be concidered nice votes. The LSD have lost lots of votes due to a ban and so on.
A: Well, that's their problem. It's not like the ban wasn't deserved.
B: No, it was probably deserved, but that is not the point. Coming elections will prove who realy has the trust of the peolpe and shud be in the gouvernement.

Epeisodion I
- All hail the great and mighty Gods of eRepublik! On your sholders the glory and honor of our small country lays! Pleas help the eUNL, O mighty ones, and give us strenght in these harsh and bitter times. Though we might not have a Minister of Home Affairs, we shall prevail!! We shall not go down in chaos and decay! Our leaders will show strenght and innovation (even if that's exactly what they are lacking).
_ All hail to the gouvernement! It seems that the Citizens for Unity have no purpose anymore, nor do we need a new constitution! We are happy as it is, long live the reigime, long live the frozen solid state of the eUNL! Though we are small, our friendly neighbour the UK will sacrifice himselve to save our asses from the Romanians. Though we have no jobs open, and only very low wages, we shall prevail! Despair is not an option! Our taxes must stay low, to make sure we have enough trade to get tax income from, to make sure prises don't rise to much so that our poor citizens can keep buying expensive stuff! We don't need taxes, the gouvernement will surely get his money, even if they have to make us pay for training wars, or for MPP's.
- How dare you mock with the mighty Gods! You are a small fry in the big ocean, without the Gods, you are NOTHING! We have no need for CFU, constitutions or innovation, as long as we have our faith, our dogma's and our strong leadership we shall overcome!

Stasimon I
A: Long live our high priest, who shall make sure our Gods pitty us and help us.
B: Long live the gouvernement, decisive and strong! Long live our collapsed monetary market! Long live those that make us hand out our gold, so that we can all florish and gain experience!
A: Long live low taxes and lon wages, so that we may have a maximum profit, and that we may remain productive and have a growing economy, no matter what the costs are!
B: Long live the Minsitry of Defense, who spend the gold that we have on to much tanking, who make sure the citizens are ready to pay, so that we may all live to see the liberation by foreighn hands! Long live transparancy, a tradition that goes back to the beginning, long live we can know it all, as long as we ask for it ourselves, and we don't ask to much. Long live the open minded gouvernement, that makes sure we know all what they do, even if that doesn't mean anything, for what they do is not much!

Epeisodion II
- All hail our Gouvernement, formed in a mere 8 days, long live the Right and Bright side of our politics, long live freedom of innovation and exploitation! Long live the CLA!
_ Long live the CLA, a paper written by the people, with major talks and debats, voted legal and imposed legal! Long live our Minister of Finance, that is not present nor replaced, long live our gouvernement that makes the people sell their gold with the promice of making profit! Long live the devaluated coin of the eUNL, that surely improves our export, and protects our own market from foreighn invasion! Long live the Information, accessable to all (that understand english), long live our multicultural society, where half of the population doesn't get what we are doing! Long live the People, that know all and recieve all information that they need! Long live the majority, that surely shall prevail and gives us to feed and makes that we do not starve!
- Long live the great work of our active members, long live the wars we made sure that would come, long live the liberation of Belgium! Long live our Gouvernement, that it may continue it's great work troughout the ages!

Stasimon II
A: We have all heard the greatness of our Gouvernement, those that are not in it remain silent and breathless, their souls pacified by our strong party!
B: Long live the opposition that will speak! The irony of things is clear, our gouvernement does not do much but taking credit for what has been decided long ago, and accept what happens without their interfearance! Long live the UK, if it was not for them, the Group would still be ravashing and plundering! Long live the poor, who are sure to stay poor, or become working class heros in battles that are not ours to fight!

The hammer breaks the glass, but forges steal! Like steel we must be strong and flexible, like steel we must remain close to our bretheren, like steel we shall overcome, and rise out of our ashes like a Phoenix! The debate must continue, not in parties but in people we must put our fait! New and active people have emerged, let us combine our strenght for the glory and benefit of our nation, instead of harrasing eachother and trowing with mud! Strenght trough Union, Union trough Solidarity, Solidarity trough Freedom!!

And so our story continues, the elections are coming, strong leadership is needed to overcome our crisis, and through the fires of these chalanges, a stong nation of steel shall be born, hope and liberty shal prevail!!

People of the eUNL, next elections will be crucial, VOTE for what u believe in, VOTE for strenght in hard times, VOTE for Liberty and Solidarity, VOTE for the Left, VOTE for LSD and BP!!

Trough Solidarity and Liberty we shall prevail!

(Come to eBelgium, we Have Commies!!! )

Today, Frerk from I&W has presented his government.
To some citizens of the Netherlands, this seems weird. Let's start with analysing the gov and the PM, shall we?

Prime Minister - Frerk

Minister of Foreign Affairs :
Secretary of state:

Minister of Finances

Minister of State companies:
Puc Milamber conDoin
Secretary of State:

Minister of Economics:
Auggy (ingame name is different, Auggustus)
Secretary of State:
Advisor: Pander

Minister of Defense :
Refl3x + Intenze
General: Tim Veltkamp, Frerk
Advisor: AndreasIsaksson

Minister of Raws :
Secretary of state:

Minister of Media and Health
Thomas Fairfax

Minister of Recruitment and Coaching:
Daniel Parker

Minister of Home affairs:

Governmental advisors:
Economics,Finances - Boklevski (BP)
Government advisor - ArtemIvanov(LSD)


Let us start with the PM: Frerk. The main reason to question him being PM is that he STOLE money from the UNL-Governement, and was sentenced a punishment of not being allowed in any governmental function for 6 months. He had stolen 62 gold and a series of foreign currencies to use in his own advantages, he used them to become Field Marshal, and someone else paid part of the debt. ( Do not mention names, skipp this: AndreasIsaksson paid his debt back, and afterwards he paid AndreasIsaksson back. He has been condemned for his theft on September 15, but on February 27 he is prime minister. If our maths are right, this means no cooperation with any gov before march 15. He has been allowed into the function of Moderator of the eUNL forum, which is something we did not oppose. But he has also been allowed into function of the government. This is neither something we opposed, as he showed good will. BUT now he is PM. This means he has access to almost all organisations of the Netherlands, and can control a massive amount of money. If you put a thief next to an unguarded bag of money, what are the odds that he leaves the bag alone?

Btw: the evidence for this is anonymous, but if u read the topic u might recognise some stuff that those who have a good memory will most certainly remember this.

Next, the message on top:

"Our job is simply sai😛 we maintain what we have been doing, while making this country economically healthy again, and increasing transparency and asking our citizens for more input."

Maintain what you are doing? Ruining the economy, wages have dropped tremendously, the NLG has devaluated further, now you can buy one gold with 103 NLG where it used to be 76 NLG. Defense is a disaster, the government is asking the citizens each month to pay for MPP's that we don't need. Excuse us for asking, but what do you see as the task of the government? Normally this would be something as serve the people to their best interests and provide the things necessary? At the moment, this is absolutely nowhere near what the (skip this: I&W) government is doing.

Transparency? What use is transparency if opposition is not allowed? The president of the BP has been allowed into position to 'advice'. We just think he is allowed in because they don't want the BP opposing the government, and for the same reason they have accepted ArtemIvanov as an advisor from the LSD. This might sound fair, but we have noticed NO democratic decision on this. There has not been any question of him to be allowed to represent us in the government, (This sentence is not clear to me, do you mean: He has not been asked but is appointed ? Or: AI has been asked but he has not consulted LSD?) There has been totally NO communication.


I&W is pressing through their opinions and decisions, as seen before. Without place for debate, I&W have started their vote of confidence on the gov. Where does it go to next time? Do we allow all made rules to be breached? Decisions of the former governments which have generally been approved are being pushed aside without voting or debate, what kind of democracy do we live in? Surely not one that's worth being called a DEMOCRACY.

Mitch Rapp, our current president calls himself 'dictator'. At first sight you might think this is just a joke, but if you look to the strategies of I&W today, this is not a joke, but plain reality.

Today, even if the gov still calls us the "United" Netherlands, they have however accepted to change the welcome message from English, like proposed by Daniel Parker, to dutch, as Mitch Rapp has told them... How far will they take it? We still have some foreighn members, our forum is in English, ect... How can they proclaim to be united if they don't even put the message in English? Most people agreed that it had to be in dutch, but sudenly Mitch shows up out of the blue and with one post he changes the message to dutch.

I&W is also the party responsable for the UNLIN, the UNL Intelligence Network, an organisation with as goals to keep out foreigners and controll congressmen so they don't let in people that don't speak dutch, don't have dutch friends, ect. There has never been any need for this, but under the motto of we are in a war, we can not risk anything, an intelligence service has been created. They have screening rights, can see all foras, and can activly punish congressmen who they think made a mistake.

Anti-Opposition Actions

If you look at all the 'old' players that have left the Netherlands, you might be surprised. Why would player after player leave the Netherlands? Almost everyone who criticised I&W has left the country, for example Cocoamok, Perry Rhodan, Olv007, ThomasRED, Slivever, Murena, Paladijn, Kravenn, DanielB1989 (who was a MEMBER of I&W), ... (Slivever used to be in the eUNL elite, but resigned because Frerk was accepted as PM)
Most of these people were valued and respected members of the Netherlands, but they all have left. Doesn't it seem weird that this much people leave the Netherlands without reason? Though they all have one thing in common, they all opposed the strategies of I&W, and have tried to improve our country. This is not something where they've been thanked for, they've been attacked publicly and have been bullied away.


Is this the nation we want to have? Is this the nation we fought for? This election our nation declined with 20%, where will it end... Change is needed! Change is where LSD stands for, what We stand for. We will oppose the right movement within the NL, as we know it doesn't lead us to a decent society where all are free and can live without problems. The LSD will keep opposing the undemocratic decisions, and we are looking forward to cooperating with all left forces that want to actively fight these people.

Think about what has been said here, and what you see yourself. Think! And then decide on what side you are on, do you support a totalitair state in the Netherlands? Is this what you want?

Join the LSD, for TRUE liberty and solidarity!

Fight the power! No Pasaran!

Disclaimer: All articles by Theneka
PS: Join the Belgian Communist Party!!

Kind regards,
