Industry update

Day 739, 16:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

I'll just give a brief update about what I've been up to this term. Really boring crap to be honest, but great experience. The focus of efforts has been keeping the domestic companies up to date, rearranging the overseas companies and bringing them to full efficiency. Here's a quick checklist, and anyone who might be interested in becoming Minister for Industry next term will have an idea what the job is about.
Domestic companies:

Here is the daily tracker I've been using to keep track of the number of employees in the companies daily and to budget for wages and raw materials.

Octavius Dryst was appointed as my Deputy, with the charge of messaging all new employees (from the alerts) daily to inform them they will be fired 6 days later (hehe) and link them with the health and IDF schemes. Every day, I'd fill in the tracker, check the funding, check the raw materials levels, fire those over Skill 2 (with a lovely goodbye message from this document)

State Air - Have been keeping this company at the optimum 10 noob employees
State Housing - Have been keeping this company running at optimum 20 employees to save on wood and there wasnt a huge amount of Skill 2 and 3 jobs on the construction market
State Weapons - Has been serving as the main noob training facility.
State Hospitals - I've been instructed to offer jobs at Skill 2 and 3 for the market wage, which means mostly volunteers work here. There have been several discussions about the hospital company and its employees, and I'll do whatever is decided.
State Gifts - This has been left in the Health org, and will be used exclusively by the Health Ministry until such time as their gifts run out.

More domestic weapons companies will be added in the upcoming military reforms.

Overseas companies

Each of these companies now has a spreadsheet which ensures each company is run as efficiently as possible, as each employee is paid their productivity or less 😉 State Diamonds and State Oil were in Philippines and South Africa, but the employees there were either too inactive or had really low wellness. So yesterday I transferred all the stock (Oil had 163 Q2 stock, and Diamonds had over 1200 Q2 stock) to the corresponding manufacturing companies, and put them up for sale. New companies were bought in Mexico (Q2 oil) and Australia (Q2 Diamonds and Q2 Gifts), which were selected by the Finance team as the most appropriate locations. These were funded this evening and the first job offers set up. These companies will supply the domestic companies to a chosen cap, and the excess stock will be sold for profit.

Irish State Diamonds
Irish State Oil
Irish State Wood
Irish State Iron
Irish Gifts

The rearrangement of the companies which began two months ago is now complete, and the structure now in place should serve the nation well in the future.
