Indonesian love song (must see)

Day 939, 18:57 Published in Australia Australia by discrate1

The following love song is dedicated to our friendly neighborhood Indonesian PTOers

*Discrate1 picks up his guitar and starts playing

The important lyrics are in bold

it make-a me sick
just to make-a lousy bucks

Got to feel-a like a fool

And-a mama used to say all-a time:
What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect

What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad?
It's-a not so bad
it's-a nice-a place

shaddap-a you face!

That's-a my mama. I can remember!
Big accordion solo!
Ah ! Play dat again! Really nice
really nice!
Soon-a come-a day
gonna be a big-a star

Den I make-a T.V. shows and-a movies

Get-a myself a new car
but still I be myself

I don't want-a to change a t'ing

Still a-dance and a-sing

[ t'ing about-a mama
she used to say:
What's-a matter you? Hey! . . .
she said it all-a da time!
What's-a matter you? Hey!
Gotta no respect
. . .
That's-a my mama!

'At's out-a dere in-a radio and-a T.V. land

aid you know I had a big-a hit-a song in-a Italy with-a disc?
Shaddap-a you face,
I sing-a dis-a song
all-a my fans applaud

Dey clap-a da hands
dat-a make me feel-a so good;
You ought to learn-a dis-a song
it's-a real-a simple -
I sing: "What's-a matter you?" You sing: "Hey!"
Den I sing-a da rest
and den at de end
we can all-a sing:
Ah, Shaddap-a you face!
let's-a try it
really big -

What's - a matter you ? Hey !...