Indonesia Tribune's : Congratulation for the new Elected President.

Day 929, 20:38 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by traveler_88

First I wanna say Congratulation for Sychev Draienfeld as the President for June 2010 period.

And Second i want to make opinion about your National Goal.

First : On day 957 have a population of 17324 citizens (5% increase)
I know every president always have this National Goal. And Indonesia ever had an achievement for on day 896 Increase Population for 10%

And we can see this Article . From 16748 eCitizens of Indonesia only 2522 Voters only 15.06 % voters. But i can tolerance in this case, because of the weekend RL holiday 😃. I hope the New President can make the citizens more active with a good way (i dont have idea for the way 😃 . And the good news Admin ever write an article about Anti Cheating Project . And i take some word from that article the election process will end as usual at 00:00 (eRepublik time), but for the next six hours the results will not be final. During this time we will analyze the votes and after 6 hour Delay time there are no changing number of vote. It Means all of voters is REAL Salute for this o7

Second : On day 957 have a GDP of 2329 Gold (7% increase)
Yeah Gold. Everyone is want it also with the country 😃. But Indonesia only have 1 achievement about Increase GDP 1% only 1%

I really wanted GDP increase on this month because of the Third National Goal

Third : On day 957 own control of the following regions:Western Australia again

I really wanted to take down the Western Australia again. And also we cant take learning from the last result of this National Goal from our Banned ex-Pres Arya Gunawan .At the first Western Australia is Indonesia. But only few Citizens move there to defend Western Australia. and Australia Declare War to Indonesia, and attack western Australia. Low Wall. Low Hope. I Hope it will not happen again this time.

Yeah its only an Article that will Disapear in two days and cant in top rated news. But i hope you can understand of this un-important article