Indonesia: Formal Declaration of War

Day 940, 14:31 Published in Indonesia Australia by Aeros

[size=24pt]Parliament of eAustralia[/size]

People of Indonesia and the world, I stand before you as a representative of a people long aggrieved, and long suffering. Few are the nations of the New World who have escaped the invaders lash. Yet fewer still are those nations that have had to experience the humiliation of subjugation. Nations like the United States and Spain have been invaded, and even all but occupied. Yet these countries never truly fell and always drove back their oppressor. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case for Australia. Instead, our history has been the history of a small country forced to deal with the hostility and open contempt of a neighbor who views us only as a potential servant rather then an equal in standing. Indeed, for much of the New World’s history Indonesia has made this state of affairs an actual fact.

The history of Australia can be summed up as nothing more then being the long suffering victim of the aggressive and belligerent Republic of Indonesia, who on many occasions in the past held out the hope of sovereign peace as a carrot with which to compel our nation into actions that benefited only them. Be it refusing to honor diplomatic agreements to restore our territorial sovereignty, or else using a peace treaty as a weapon to take from us those things which are ours. In every interaction with us, Indonesia has shown itself to be nothing less then an enemy of our people, and a persistent threat to our independence and freedom.

Today, political saboteurs from Indonesia continue to try and overthrow our Government and deny the Australian people their political will. These actions shall, if successful, create a situation where the people of Australia shall no longer have place to call their home in the New World. If Indonesia were to have its way, Australia as it is now would cease to exist. This realization has come to us, the Parliament of Australia, through a series of slow and painful lessons that Indonesia has seemingly been only too happy to provide us. Let it be said in no nation that the long suffering of the Australian People imposed by Indonesia does not give rightness to our cause.

Indonesia has denied our nation on numerous occasions its full territorial integrity.

Indonesia has compelled its allies in South America to launch a vicious invasion of our land.

Indonesia has used our desire for peace as a weapon to subjugate us.

Indonesia continues to attempt to undermine our political institutions and deny the Australian people their voice.

Let these truths be submitted to the world, and to the Indonesian people, that Australia has sought nothing but peace and friendship with its neighbors. Yet for all our efforts, the abuses of the Indonesian Government upon us continue unchecked, and unhindered. For this reason, we the Parliament of Australia do affirm that a formal State of War now exists between Australia and Indonesia. You can expect nothing less then hostility from us. We shall oppose you in all things, and fight you in all places. There shall be no offer of peace from us, unless that peace is your surrender and admission of guilt.

The call for war having been requested by the Prime Minister, Widdows9000, has been affirmed the Senate and Cabinet of Australia, composing the full voice of the Parliament of Australia. Enacted this day of June 17, 2010 and day 940 of the New World, The Commonwealth of Australia formally declares that a state of war now exists between it and the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed into Australian Policy; June 17, 2010
Speaker of the Senate, Aeros
Prime Minister of Australia, Widdows9000