Indonesia Attacks and Other News

Day 723, 13:48 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

---Indonesia Attacks Malaysia----North Korea ----Syddanmark----Slavonia----

Indonesia Attacks Malaysia

Yes, Indonesia went on the assault against Malaysia today, but did not trigger any of Malaysia’s many Mpp’s.

Malaysia and Thailand peacefully merged some time ago, and since Southern Thailand is not an original Malaysian region, Indonesia can attack without worrying about opening Mpp’s.

The battle is currently 450k into the underground, and Indonesia is expected to easily win. But why did Indonesia even bother attacking Southern Thailand? Other than Medium Wood and Oil, the region possesses nothing of interest, and if Indonesia plans on “freeing” all of Thailand, they will encounter next to no resistance, and gain next to nothing.

So why did they attack? We’ll have to wait and see.

North Korea

Things are looking slightly better for North Korea today. Yesterday the North Korean president (who was elected via PTO) attacked Russia, activating all of their Mpp’s.
But good news came when the president was impeached before the Russian battle had ended, which allowed the new North Korean president to quickly attack another Russian region to keep the initiative.

Although the chances of North Korea lasting very long are slim, but at the very least the county will last another few days.


Yesterday Hungary was the target of 8 different battles, some of which were Resistance Wars. In the end, all but 1 region, Syddanmark, was defended. With 30 minutes until the battle ended the wall was at 95k. By the end of the battle it had been forced into the underground by mobile Eden troops.

Poland also attacked yet another Hungary-occupied Slovakian region today. Although they have been defeated every single time in the past, the Poles are doing an excellent job at preventing Hungary from going on the attack against Croatia.

Edit: Central Slovakia has been conquered by the Poles, although many citizens are complaining about the decision, claiming that "Admins conquered Central Slovakia vs Hungary"
More info on this will be provided in tomorrow's edition.


The Serbians attacked Slavonia, Croatia again yesterday. All previous attacks on this region have been met with fierce resistance by the Croats and their Allies.

Since Serbia is alone against 15 Croatian Mpp’s, Slavonia is expected to remain in Croatian hands.

That’s all for today. Don’t forget to vote and Sub!