Indonesia and South Africa

Day 229, 16:14 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

Becuase of the length of the war between Indonesia and South Africa, i have decided to interview the leaders of the two countries. The president of South Africa has yet to reply to my message, but i did get an interview with the president of indonesia. Here it is.

Q: How do you feel the current war has been going?

A: Actually we’re quite disappointed when admins decided to stop the war for an undefined period. We have prepared much resources for this war and suddenly it stopped. Frankly said, our people started to get bored playing this game. We hope that admins can resume this unfinished war soon

Q: How did this war start?

A: At that time, we were under pressure because the Nordic Alliace made MPP with many nations. Therefore, we would need a region as a barrier. Then we pick South Africa and we took them over politically and tried to make them neutral. But, it seemed that people didn"t really like to live there, and there is also lack of participation from other nations. So, after a month, we decided to attack South Africa.

Q: What are your ideas for the future of the Eworld?

A: Honestly, I haven"t got much idea for the world. However, I would like to work on my nation first, then we"ll se what we can do for the world.

So, there it is, straight from the president of indonesia.
God help those two countries and God bless Canada.
Have a good day