Indonesia and PEACE: The Power Vacuum

Day 710, 16:42 Published in Estonia United Kingdom by Mickale

Finally it seems the power of eIndonesia has reached it's peak and is beginning its long decent down hill as Russia obtained Siberia back and Australia obtained the rest of their island. This kind of thing has restored the map to more closely resemble what we would find in a schoolroom now, the USA back, Canada, Australia, Thailand, Belgium, North Korea.... Don't get me wrong, the map is still very distorted due to the fantasies of those in charge (And I commend them for making it interesting) however the map is finally coming towards a more normal center, with Indonesia out of the spotlight.

But what does this mean exactly?

Well, the United States and Canada are back to their previous power and are waiting for the right time to unleash their plans upon the world, however if you ask them they will deny it (What good would it do to announce invasion plans months before they take place directly to the enemy) and thus asking them would be futile indeed.

Also, PEACE seems to be losing their stranglehold on the world as Ukraine dropped out and EDEN grows.... (I will now go into hiding for fear of being put on the very ominous Black List they keep in Moscow in the special branch of the KG😎

So as EDEN begins to wax and PEACE begins to wane, another page goes by in erepublik history, as it always has form the Pakistani Empire, Romanian Empire, Hungarian Empire, Turkish Empire, and now the Indonesian Empire - let us remember with grace as these "empires" establish their footnotes in our textbooks.

However let us not forget, the seeds of revolution are easy to spread, another page brings another twist; something unique will happen each day that will be recorded and remembered.