India United Vision Statement [Part III - Section B]

Day 679, 09:05 Published in India India by India United
Dear Citizens of eIndia!
Welcome to the India United family!!!

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[Master Document] - [Version 1.0 – Sept-Oct ‘09]


United India, is our Goal, & the very path we walk on. What defines India United in the true sense, is that it is not just a party, but the very ideal on which eIndia stands; it is the face of eIndia. All current policies of the eIndian Government are based on these very ideals.

RL India’s uniqueness lies in her diversity and culture of respect. It is a melting pot of languages, religions, cultures, communities, & nationalities. It is our philosophy of Respect that enables us to transcend our diversity & rough all storms & opposition, both from within and outside. It is the same philosophy that is the building block of ‘eIndia’.

eIndia needs to be a mini model of real life India, while overcoming the pitfalls of corruption that afflict our nation and move ahead with respect and dignity as our credo. It is our duty and responsibility as eIndians, to prove the limitless potential of the Indian people, as much as the potential of ALL eIndians for that matter, irrespective of their RL nationality. It is a heavy, but exciting mission, and one that we in India United are determined to achieve.

The vision is India’s growth, and to see her as number one country in the eWorld, while maintaining strong ties of friendship with all eNations. The vision here is to see a strong, united, capable eIndia, with thousands of active and contributing citizens, a thriving & growing economy, number one Export Hub, a mighty, yet non-aggressive military, that other nations respect, and can call on in times of need. All this can be achieved through strong governance, where many an individual can give full play to their potential, contribute to the country’s growth and progress, and are trained as global leaders!

It is a fact that eIndia is a neutral country, maintaining dignity & gaining respect from the world over. It is the very founders of India United, who chose this Neutral stand over joining an Alliance, and today we bear the fruits of that critical decision.

However to preserve this & to take India to the number one spot in eRepublik, we need to continue to move head with Unity, a shared vision, that determines every aspect of our policies & actions as a nation. We do not endorse conformists, Yes-men, those who say yes without question, or those that place personal profit over national gain. We seek out those Citizens, who have the spirit to learn, understand, & share the same vision, commitment & hard-work with which our current leaders have built eIndia on.

Each member of India United, and in truth, each Citizen of eIndia, needs to rise above our self-centered interests of medals and wealth, and focus on what ‘I’ can do to ensure the progress of My nation. This is the vision we need to inherit from our leaders. When we are united with a vision, differences of opinion can be amicably resolved, fresh leaders are continually fostered, in an atmosphere of trust, comradeship; governance and business are clean & every action in the game takes on more meaning, purpose and excitement! We work, to contribute to the nation’s wealth; we train and fight, to surely and steadily build our muscles; we contribute actively in the forum, make our voice heard, to add value to each debate; we trust our leaders to guide us through the maze of international politics & economics. We stand up with pride as Citizens of eIndia!

This is the vision of India as a nation, and this is the very core of India United from the day of its inception till today: Each Citizen/member, taking full responsibility of building eIndia, & moving with solid unity towards that purpose.

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He serves his party best who serves the country best. ~ Ruthford B. Hayes

In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power, but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins

We, the members and Congress of India United have pledged to protect eIndia, and place her best interest before ours, and we reaffirm that pledge today. We invite you, the citizens of eIndia; join us on this path to take eIndia to the greater glory. eIndia needs her citizens to be active and involved; join our forums, and make yourself heard. Don’t be sheep, who follow orders of the shepherd, but lions, who are not afraid to ROAR! Also have the spirit to learn, to listen to those who lead us on this path, and have more than proved their capabilities and sincerity.

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. ~ J. F. Clarke

Your potential awaits you. Take the right action. Join our India United family. Unite with us on this great mission. Make a difference.

Lets build a better, stronger eIndia.

Party President
India United Team

For any queries, regarding any matter, contact me on msn messenger @

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* Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Toh Sur Bane Hamara
Watch the video at:
The vision of Unity in Diversity is what India United identifies with most. This is our theme, and our motto. It essentially translates as: "When my tune and your tune merge, it becomes our tune".

Let us merge our tunes, our hearts and our actions for the sake of eIndia!
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