India Stand Together for War[Official President's Statement]

Day 749, 14:50 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Good Day to all my dear Indians.

I apologize for my inactiveness in the media, the reasons will be explained in another article shortly.
As all of you know India has officially decided to stop Iran's arrogant behavior against us and have decided to take a stand against their imperialism. David Forde has planned the war well and he will continue to do so as to lead India to victory. We all should acknowledge this man as its his vision and his plan which holds the possibility of Removing Iran from India permanently.

Now to more important stuff:

The war Costs have been calculated as follows:
1) MPPS = 250g
2) War Declaration = 250g
3) Costs of Battles = 400g
4) War expenses = 100g

Other costs are:
1) Baby Boom Programs = 200g
2) Economic Expansion = 200g
3) Misc Government Expenses = 100g
4) INR Issued = 100g

Our total costs come out to be around 1500g this month.
Though this war was needed to save India from Mafia and for Baby-Boom. The costs involved are immense and we all need to work towards it.
AHF has pledged monetary support, it would be unfair of us to rely on them for the war. AHF like everyone else here has worked hard for their money and draining their coffers without trying ourselves would not be fair to them, though they don't mind it one bit and are ready to give it all if need be. I urge all eIndians to show their support in our endeavor to rid India of Iran.

Donate all you can to Indian Government Bank.

Let us raise hell... I mean money!
