India's Challenge to Iran[President's Challenge]

Day 751, 19:44 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Vote it UP : Iranian Version

What Happened to all the talks of, INDIA WILL BE DESTROYED?
huh? What happened to your pompous talks?
What happened to ViVA Iran?

You have been saying for don't know how long "We will kill you India"
We knew you were chicken, but we said nothing.

Then when we thought, ok lets teach this arrogant people a lesson, WE DECLARED WAR ON YOU!
Yes, When you were too scared to do it, WE DID IT!

Now I am giving Iran a chance for showing if they are really worth Something!!
Attack us and show you are just not a mighty mess full of words. You have the GUTS to stand behind your words.
I am not going to call fail, because I think Iran has some respect and they will live up to their word of destroying India. Lets see if I will be disappointed or Iranian President has enough guts to do what he says.

"Barking Dogs Seldom Bite" Its an old proverb.. We will see Iran whether it is true or Not.

BTW: I am sorry you didn't fell for my trick, you came close but I guess 1000g was too much to ask u huh?

President of eIndia