Independent Voices: It's good to be home

Day 727, 12:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

Following a lengthy hiatus where my efforts have been devoted primarily to Ministerial and Dáil and Military duties, it's time for me to return to the little niche I once carved for myself as Party President of Independent Voices. We Independent Voices as a whole have had a little bit of a slumber recently. Individually, we have achieved much. Looking at the members list fills me with a great sense of pride to be among such fine citizens.

Kit Fisto, current Minister for Defence, Ireland's bard, staunch and resolute
Edana Savage, Minister for Education, best friend to noobies, possibly one of the most respected people in Ireland
Einberliner, current Minister for Community, possibly the most loveable donut in Ireland
😎ayan, also in the Community Department, her heart couldn't be in the righter place. She can be your guide and your conscience
Don Squire, former Minister for Immigration
Sean Power, lawyer extraordinaire, discussion specialist
Binksy, former Minister of New Citizens, once got over 30 votes in an election, and a genuinely good guy
Dan Murchadh, he of Hawke and Dove fame, has a forum section named after him 😉
Bradums, Congress Member, cool and articulate, says what needs to be said
Nephworks, Ambassador to Poland, witty and well-spoken, a hard worker
Texas Ironman, Congress Member, writer of short and derogatory joke articles about Patton. RL American, Irish by choice.
Shamus Feeney, what a character 😉
Ivor Greenview, popular writer and satirist, sees things in a different light

The country is blessed with these people. So is Independent Voices.

Independent Voices is an independent party, for independent people. It recognises, and seeks to promote the value of the individual, the value of the voice, and the value of co-operation.

No matter what badge you or I wear, let us never lose sight of our ultimate badge, the one we wear unseen.

Our loyalty is to Ireland.

Our greatest strength lies not in our badge, but in our dedication to the cause.

You may believe different things about different policies and different people, but you and I hold the same loyalty to the same goal. Let us achieve it together.

I re-affirm my committment to helping all persons and parties in Ireland. I am trustworthy, honest and open-minded. I hope I find you in the same frame of mind. It also never hurts to hear an objective mind, for sometimes we forget that we don't live in a bubble. Let's build each other up, not tear each other down.

Independent Voices is just that: independent. There are no right or wrong answers, no right or wrong views. It is a place where you can use your own voice, and listen to others, whilst being free from the constraints of a party, an army, a nation. Enjoy vibrant discussion on national and international events. Share strategies and tactics. Hawk yourself or your goods to a global market. The possibilities of coming together are endless. And here is the place you can do it. Get on board with everyone else today.

Use your voice, and help this New World rise up together.

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