Independent Scotland

Day 1,580, 08:43 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

I would like to draw attention to an issue stiring up quite a debate in the United Kingdom... The SNP independece reforendum.

But what does this mean to the citizens of the eUk??
*Well it means we loose a region and have yet another potentialy hostile natation on our doorstep.
*However as an emerging nation eScotland woul likley rely on the rest of the union for military report in the early stages of its development.
*But there is also the chance the 1st CP of eScotland may seek the support of TEDEN and that would garentee hostiltys against the union.
*While the loss of Scotland as a region wont mean a whole lot for Britan as a whole it poses a threat in the loss of citizens who would defect to the new nation.

While most of the problems and the benefits are in the hands of the 1st president of eScotland ultimatly if we are granted independance there is an uncertain future ahead for both the eUK and the actual UK

The eScots could become our greatest allies our our wost enemy's only time will tell.